Oooops probably shouldn't of done that!


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2010
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Just got a snotty email from OH's sister. So I sent one back! Ooooopppps! I'm so wiping her off our guest list! Annoyed doesn't even cover it right now! No wonder his ex hated his family. Twats! They treat my OH so terribly too! I point blank refuse to take it any longer!
Families eh!! What was she being snotty about? Good on for for standing up for urself hon x x x
:hug: im sure it felt good at the time and sounds like it was well deserved! X
It's his neices birthday today and we bought her a card and present to take to his parents on Sunday but he has no credit on his phone so couldn't phone her to say happy birthday and his sister emailed me saying,
Just to remind our rob that it was J's birthday today. Thanks for no phone call to her.

So I sent back;
Please refrain from sending snide emails to my email address. If you have a problem with 'your' (I put OH's name here) then kindly take it up with him. We were going to take J's card and present round to your parents on Sunday but obviously that isn't good enough for you.

I refuse to stand by and let them abuse me and OH any more. Just told OH that obviously he's free to see his family as much as he wants to but that's it, I'm out. I will not be belittled and will not let them put him down anymore. Stupid cow!
Thanks sm! I could have done but I know she'll go running back to mummy dearest so I'm saving the amunition for her attack! Lol x
:roll: I'd just rise above her pathetic whinging, smile and give her daughter her present and properly wind her up :lol:
Thing is that's what I have been doing and the snide comments are getting worse. I just couldn't hold my Tongue any more. x
i think it was a good reply. as sams mum said, you caould have sent something worse.. :trouble:
I have to say, I'm so glad I'm not in touch with my inlaws apart from 2 sisters! Who needs them ey?! Your reply was perfect!! x x
Thanks guys x I'm expecting serious backlash from it but I couldn't give a crap x I've apologised to OH for if I cause him problems through this but he agrees with me so told me to stop being silly x lol x
Bring it on! Sweeeeeet least Rob agrees with you.
Im so glad me and my inlaws dont speak the same language :D makes life alot easier x Seemed like a perfectly reasonable response to me, you could of wrote worse.
She sent one back saying something like 'sorry if I caused you any offence. We didn't know that you were going to our mum and dads on Sunday as there has been no contact for weeks. Since her birthday has been and gone keep her present, it isn't the first time. I couldn't contact (OH) directly as have no number for him.' I just put, 'you knew exactly what you were doing when you sent the email. It works both ways, you never contact us either. I spoke to your mother yesterday and told her we were coming on Sunday. Well I say 'we' actually I mean (OH) will be there on Sunday. Amazingly we have a life seperate to your parents. You were perfectly capable of getting (OH)'s number from your parents if you were so inclined. Please do not email me again, I do not appreciate being a 'go-between'.'
Stupid cow. I've since spoken to OH and we've decided that this atmosphere and nastiness is unacceptable for our children to be around so they will not be seeing them.
Sounds like you're best off out of it!! They sound like a right nightmare x
Totally agree that you're all better off away from them! x
Totally agree Helen cut out all the negativity from them....we did that with certain inlaws and family members and its the best thing we did!

Good for you dont let anyone ever treat you like a doormat xxx
Don't sink to her level, but yes you should stick up for yourself.
My friend just did the same as she was getting abuse after abuse from her partners half sister.
Jealousy comes to mind because this girl was 'best friends' with my friends boyfriend, and because he's moved to the other side of the country to be with my friend, and apparently doesn't bother with his half sister, she's hit the roof! She even started bringing up petty little things, e.g. "*My friends name* all you did was wear your pajama's around the house when you were here, don't you think that's a little rude and lazy?".. My friend simply replied, "I felt comfortable to wear pajama's around my boyfriends family, sorry that offended you, and also I dressed up whenever we went out, but for the days we didn't go out, yes I did wear my pajama's as that is what I would do at home". My friend has now (like you) said to her OH, "You can go on the train and visit your family whenever you like, but I will not be going with you next time".

I can honestly say I have a great relationship with my OH's family.
Although his Mum doesn't really want us to have a baby, Which is what we both want.

Well done you for sticking up for yourself.
Hope things get better!

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