One of those evenings!


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2007
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Just thought I'd share my evening, I am sure a few of you have experienced this hormone induced days!

So last night, my tooth was aching and I have started going through the 'nesting' period. My other half made me rest and sit down, says the past week I haven't taken time to myself. So around 7pm I go sit in the bedroom to watch a bit of TV and catch up on monthly gossip with magazines. All of a sudden an advert about a lost kitten comes on T.V. it then reminded my of my baby boy I had (cat), I had to rehome him in January as it was hard trying to find rental accomodation that would allow him and I felt bad thta he was just a house cat (plus my m an was a little uncomfy witht he cat situation). So I did what was best and found a lovely cat home run by ex-pats over here. But thinking of this made me cry, dramatic, how could I give up my little boy! He was like family to me. Otherhalf heard me cry and calmed me down. 10 minutes later I was ok, then a thought of mum came into my head, she wouldn't be around here for the birth or any of the appointment as they are all in the UK, the dramatic crying started again, I was on my own, ok I have my guy but it's not the same as your mummy!

Bless my guy heard me again and came to calm me down, left me then 10 minutes later an old person was on T.V., he reminded me of my grandparents who passed away in 2001, how'd they never get to see my baby and how I miss them! AGAIN my poor fella came in to calm me down...................I thought I was ok, went to sit on the veranda as it was a nice evening. Spotted a little homeless dog, then I thought how could people be so cruel.........cue crying........cue super hero fella!

Around about 10pm, I was fine and dandy, where as my fella was unsure as to whether he should leave me to go and meet some mates, bless, he stayed but I tried to force him to go out. Seems like he is turning around to how he was a few weeks back.

Aww hormones are a nightmare arent they?!
My OH has changed since I became pregnant so they must get daddy's instinct or something.
Good job you weren't watching Film Four then - they were showing "stepmom" - you wouldn't have stopped crying till this morning :D
Oh no, I have that film on DVD! My guy has taken to hiding any sad type films we have at the moment :D
oooh - the worst one (best one if you need a good cry :wink: ) is Jack Frost. Bought it for Josh years ago when it first came out - Christmas night we all sat down to watch it...90 mins later if anyone had walked into our house they would have thought someone had died, all of us (including my v macho 50 yr old husband) were sobbing uncontrollably :oops: :D

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