On ac, weird symptoms, can anyone help?


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2012
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Hi all, after some advice or reassurance if poss!

Been off bc since Jan, no period since, been taking ac since 1st June and for past week or so getting cramps but nothing came of it. Then today got cramps then (sorry if tmi) lots of stretchy stuff and specks if brown - is this "spotting?"

Also just by chance took ovulation test this morning and it came up positive!

Anyone have a clue as to what's going on? Lol. I'm a bit confused!

Anyone experience this after 2 weeks of ac? X
If the ov test is +++ then I would say you are ovulating! the stretchy stuff is EWCM and the brown specks in it is spotting (which you can get with ovulation).

AC doesn't just bring on AF it balances your hormones to allow for a normal cycle to occur, which is starting with ovulation (now) and 12-14 days you will either get AF or a BFP - if you BD that is, lol.

good luck
i would say the first pains were ur body gearing up to ov then didnt then the stretchy stuff is ewcm and some ov spotting ive had this its a gd sign,the + opk means ur about to ov so get bding xxx
Thanks ladies :-) I really hope I am ovulating that would be so fab!! I've had the pains / cramps on and off today like af is coming but nothing has come of it, no spotting or stretchy stuff (sorry) at all so wondered what's going on!

Do you think I should stop taking ac as I heard people shouldnt take it past ov? Also, is it normal to get stabby pains followed by dull pains - when my af is not due for 2 weeks? Xx
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well I've decided to stop taking ac for now in case I shouldn't be taking it, hope I haven't messed things up!

tested again with another opk this morning and got another positive - that's 3 days in a row now. Is this possible? I thought ov only lasted a couple of hours?

please help someone, i don't know what to do :'( x
I got equal lines on my opk one day, darker lines the next day, then 2 days of equal lines before it went to a faint line! but I know from the ov pains when I ov. I had quite bad ov pains and then it is now a dull ache.

And yes you are right, you need to stop taking AC at ovulation.......good luck
Thanks Iwant3, I stopped taking ac as I'd been taking it from 1st June so it's been roughly 14 days that I've been taking it so If I am ovulating (which I hope I am) then it's about right I think?

There's so much conflicting information on the internet it'd hard to know what's what :-(

Let's just hope I get my af in 14 days and then I'll know if things are on their way back to normal!

Hi all, me again, I don't know if it's just me symptom spotting but Ive had really sore boobs / nipples over the last day or so - I know it's unlikely that I'm preg but can anyone advise as to what this could be? I'm also really sensitive to smells at the mo - my cats cat food is making me feel really queasy lol! I've also had cramps the last 4 days and been feeling v tired.

Just to reiterate, I stopped bc in Jan, haven't had a af since but started taking ac on 1st June (and stopped last Thursday). I've also tested positive on opks for the last 4 days!

Can anyone reassure me? X
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Hiya.. have you taken a hpt just i case? Also, may sound like a daft question but on all 4 days where you have had a positive OPK has the test line definitely been darker (or equal to) the test line? Is it an obvious positive.. I had about 3 days of thinking I had a positive OPK because it was so close to the test line but then when I got my surge it was darker than the test line and thats when i knew for sure then the next day it started to get fainter again.. x
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Hiya, I haven't taken a test yet only because I'm pretty sure I'll get a bfn and I can't bring myself to do it yet (sad I know!)

When I took an opk at the beginning of this month only 1 line came up (control line) and now there's 2 lines as strong as each other - the peak with it being on Friday even the edging of the lines were dark.

I'm so confused, I just want af to get here so I know where I am :-( xx
I guess all you can do is monitor it, keep track of what days you get what result on my calendar i literally write "no line" v.faint" "faint" "equal" "darker" etc then hopefully when AF does eventually decide to turn up it should make more sense! Good luck hun, hope it all comes to together soon + starts making sense xx
Thanks so much for your kindness Janinesboutique You're right I just need to wait and keep track of things.

I never knew ttc would be so difficult :-( my best friend has announced recently she is pregnant for the second time in just over a year by accident - it's things like that which make me feel like a failure :-( x
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Oh and forgot to add, I've had really sore nipples over the past few days! Can anyone tell me why - does anyone get this around ov or after stopping the pill? Just need some reassurance. It hurts like hell :-( x

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