Agnus Castus advice


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2011
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Hey ladies,

Can you give me some advice please :) I have been off the pill since end of Jan and my cycles have been long with ov around 21, short luteal phase and really light periods. I decided to try agnus castus this month and ov'd cd19 and didn't start spotting til day 10 of lp, however my af has just been pretty much brown with no real blood. Do you think this is the agnus castus or still my body regulating? I don't know whether to keep taking it as I have ov'd earlier or just hope my body sorts itself out on it's own. I'm wondering if the ac has caused the brown af.

What do you ladies think xx
Could you be pregnant hun? Dont wanna get your hope up but when i was pregnant i had brown discharge?? x
i've just started taking it too and the same things happened
Hey heartbroken - that would be amazing but I've been charting and my temp has dropped so I'm pretty sure it's the witch. Hmmm Carlyanne if that's happened to you too am thinking I may leave it this month and hope my body sorts itself out. I have heard mixed views on ac so maybe I shouldn't dabble xx
Hey Hunni
If you wanna shorten your cycle try a small dose of evening primrose oil - it's worked for me brilliantly - it has even improved my CM loads!

I would recommend not taking n e more than 1800mg a day though - as I found that I'm ok at that dose but when I upped it to 2000mg it made me spot just before ovulation.


Hi Loopy Louize

My cycles are really long too. Do you take the evening primrose oil every day throughout your cycle or only up until the day of Ov?

Think I may give this a go if the witch gets me this time! Xx
I only take it up until ovulation as it can cause your uterus to contract just like AC.

It's worth a shot I reckon xx


Hope you don't mind me popping in but I saw your post and wanted to say i'm the biggest fan of Agnus Castus.

I came off the pill in Jan 2010 and had very long cycles for 7 months. I then took Agnus Castus from day 1 to day 14 of my cycle for 3 months which reduced my cycle length dramatically and also got me my BFP!! :) I did have 'normal' AF's while taking it though so I can be any help with regards to the brown AF.

Hope this helps! :) x

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