omygosh this was the hardest thing!


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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been out to the trafford centre this evening, we left at 10pm but spent 20 minutes looking for the car :roll:

while we were there i'd changed millie and given her a bit of a feed in the changing room, but she'd got hungry again and as we were leaving the car park she started to cry. the cries just got louder and more heartbreaking as we travelled home, it was HEARTBREAKING! tears were coming down her face and stuff, i tried to comfort her but she was inconsolable, i think if anything it made her worse as i'm her feeder she probably couldnt understand why i was there but denying her food :(
it was so tempting to get her out of the car seat and put her on but i had to put safety first. but she didnt understand about that, and mustve thought i didnt want to feed her or something, honestly i felt horrible letting her cry, it was the longest 15 minutes of my life!

poor little girl, as soon as we got in i popped a boob out and put her on, i'v never seen such frantic suckling! she hardly paused for breaths and ended up spluttering and it dribbled down her chin, bless her.

take heed and make sure ur babies tummies are COMPLETELY FULL b4 starting a car journey, even if its only 15 minutes down a motorway!
Aww, horrible isn't it?

You definitey did the right thing, I know some LOONIES think that it's not important to strap ther kids in but I would never, ever do anything like that either.

My brothers friend always put the baby in the carseat, but never strapped the carseat into the car with the seatbelt!!! He has 3 little girls and none of them wear seatbelts! To me thats absolute madness!
We have had that happen too and its heartbreaking isnt it.
Well done for coping with it! I've been tempted to feed too but it really isnt worth it.

Urchin i cant believe someone would be that stupid! What the point of a carseat if its not fixed to the car! Maddness.
My cousin just got pulled over with four kids under 8 in the car without a seatbelt :shock: She got a £60 on the spot charge for each of them and has to go to court. I think she wanted sympathy when she told me but she got none here!
Aww I know exactly what you mean! :hug: We went to Scotland a couple of weeks back and it's so hard trying to time the stops right on a long journey! When they are hungry they are hungry!

I know it hurts so bad to see them so upset doesn't it? :cry: :hug:
it is hard but would be worse had you took her out and there be an accident its a sign you are a good mommy

oooooooooooo i have been there lots of time - makes me feel ill to think about it. :talkhand:

aww i know the feeling it breaks your heart

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