what the hell was that?! :(


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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melissa woke from her nap earlier and i heard her on the monitor not crying in her usual just-woken-up way which is a half-hearted "mummy, im awake now, come and get me, im bored!" sort of whinge- it was really distressed sounding i could hear the fear in her voice if that makes sense? so i went pelting upstairs and she was stood up screaming, i picked her up and held her close and as expected she chilled out a bit- but only for a few seconds- then she bent her knees into me and curled up against my chest and started wailing again like she was frightened, and was pushing to get away!

i took her downstairs and she wasnt stopping i put her on the couch and she was crawling along screaming hysterically and every so often flopping her face down listlessly- i was getting rele worried- i tried to give her dummy, offered her a drink and tried to kiss and cuddle her- all got pushed away- and she wouldnt make eye contact in fact her eyes were glazed over and not focused i started to panic!

it mustve only been 5 minutes or something but felt more like 15 or 20- then she suddenly "came to" when i tried scooping her up again and finally the holding her close and cuddles and "shh"s and bounces in my arms soothed her (properly, not like previously when she'd been tryna escape!) she clung to me and rested her head on my shoulder. then when i looked in her eyes she was "there" behind them, iykwim.

what happened? was she still asleep? was it a nitemare or something? twas very strange. shes fine now, playing with her toys
Willow does this and i have no clue what it is but i put it down to not being fully awake and just like melissa she is fine after about 5 mins. she generally does this at night though so it could be a nightmare.

sorry not much help really but just wanted to let you know that willow does this also.
could it be like night terrors, like having a bad dream but kinda awake. sort of hallucinating I think. Sounds like it but not sure what age it starts at? :hug:
Sounds like night terrors but also with the way you described it, could it have been bad tummy ache? If she was curling her legs up.
Sounds like a night terror to me!

I used to babysit a wee boy who had them, they were really scary to watch, and I can't imagine what they were like to actually experiance from a wee boys point of view!

I've not got any advice though luv! I was only 17 at the time!

Hope you can find some info in google!
Yep defo sounds like a night terror. I used to suffer terribly with these as a child, still get the odd episode now as an adult.
My mum said that i used to scream and literally climb the walls whilst in bed. And it was a matter of just trying to soothe me but not wake me iykwim.
Sounds just like stephen trix when hes woken up from a night terror babes, dont be frightened by it - let her come to into her own time and when she needs you she will come too if you like and want comforting. Stephen has been inconsolable at points and has taken upto 45 mins to calm down.
Yep sounds like night terrors, I had them bad as a kid & still get them now. My poor hubby is used to them but first time i did it he was terrified & didnt know what to do, i didnt remember a thing lol.

My mum said she used to say 'Its alright Joanne, its your Mum' over & over in a calm voice and comfort me, it was the only thing that calmed me down x
thanx lucybee for the link- and thanku all for ur replies. happychick i will try that next time, altho hopefully it was a one-off! it was rather distressing! hugs to all u who've had to watch ur children like that too :hug:
Lucy went through a stage of having these - it was so scary as it seemed to be random and there was nothing we could do to calm her down, we just had to make sure she wasn't in danger and let them pass.

She hasn't had any in a long time so hopefully Melissa will be the same and it will just be a stage that she goes through and then not have any again.
yeah luke has had them they are awful really scary.

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