OMIGOD!!!!!!!!! UPDATED 31*12*07

This is excellent news - what a brilliant start to the New Year for you Sharne!

I will keep everything crossed for you :pray:
ohhh yeah, CONGRATS i hope everything is well for you and have a great new year xxx
Only just logged on - wow, congratulations hun :cheer: :cheer:

Sending you loads of sticky babydust & hoping you have a h&h pg x
Aw absolutely fantastic news! I can't believe I nearly missed your post. What a fab way of starting the new year :dance:

see yo in 1st tri :wave:
congratulations sharne what a lovely start to ur new year! :cheer:
congratulations steelgoddess!!!you must be really made up!!! :clap:
OMG!! ive just noticed your ticker!!!!!!
Just spotted ur ticker too, and raced into TTCing to check!!!

WOWZER!!!!!!!!!!!! I am SO thrilled for you hunny, I dont post in here often, but I am always rooting for you, and I am so thrilled at this post :cheer:

Wishing you a happy a healthy 9 months Sharne, you have been such a wonderful inspriation to a lot of girls on here with your positive attitude and deserve every ounce of happinness this wonderful news brings :hug: :hug:

Baby dust to all here too :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Such fantastic news... I've been reading lots of your posts while 'lurking' on the site... and it's great to see you get a lovely Christmas/New Year pressie!

Fab news!!

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