...just got a very feint positive on an ebay cheapie test with FMU!!! Thought I was seeing things so asked my hubby to have a look, but he said he didn't want to in case he got his hopes up!! Anywho, managed to convince him to have a look and he just said 'oh yeah, there's definitely a line there'!!
Now I don't know what to do - I've got one ebay 10m/iu test left and 2 first responses. Should I do the ebay cheapie tomorrow with FMU and if that's still a BFP then test later with the first response?
I'm trying not to get too excited about it, just in case I get a BFN tomorrow...but today can't go quickly enough! I was just about to buy more OV sticks for next month as I was so convinced it'd be a BFN! Fingers crossed
and any advice would be great 
Now I don't know what to do - I've got one ebay 10m/iu test left and 2 first responses. Should I do the ebay cheapie tomorrow with FMU and if that's still a BFP then test later with the first response?
I'm trying not to get too excited about it, just in case I get a BFN tomorrow...but today can't go quickly enough! I was just about to buy more OV sticks for next month as I was so convinced it'd be a BFN! Fingers crossed