Bit of potentially exciting news!


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2008
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...just got a very feint positive on an ebay cheapie test with FMU!!! Thought I was seeing things so asked my hubby to have a look, but he said he didn't want to in case he got his hopes up!! Anywho, managed to convince him to have a look and he just said 'oh yeah, there's definitely a line there'!!

Now I don't know what to do - I've got one ebay 10m/iu test left and 2 first responses. Should I do the ebay cheapie tomorrow with FMU and if that's still a BFP then test later with the first response?

I'm trying not to get too excited about it, just in case I get a BFN tomorrow...but today can't go quickly enough! I was just about to buy more OV sticks for next month as I was so convinced it'd be a BFN! Fingers crossed :pray: and any advice would be great :hug:
Yay! I hope the line gets darker for you!

Cheapies are 10mlu, and First Response are 25mlu - your levels should double every two days, so I would do the other cheapy tomorrow, then wait until Friday or Saturday to do the First Response. Your levels might only just be 10 now, so it could potentially take another two days to show on an FR. By Saturday you should be getting a good strong line on one though :D :cheer:
awww, thanks, girls! It's really nice to have such support. I'll keep you posted and hopefully will get a stronger line tomorrow FX!

I think this is start of a good BFP time for us all - everyone so deserves it :hug: :hug:
well they do say "any line is a line"

Here's praying it gets darker and darker :D
Thanks, girls :hug: I tested again this morning and got the same faint line on the ebay cheapie, but also tested with a FR and got a line! Not as dark as the control one, but clearly there. So, maybe I'm not imagining it! Is it safe yet to say I've got a BFP?! Soooo scared it'll go away again!
:cheer: :cheer: Congrats!! Have a happy and healthy 9 months :cheer: :cheer:

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