Omg ouch!!! **update - pains have returned**

Glad your both ok, did they say what the pains were? Always worth getting checked out xx
Most likely stretching pains or where baby has possibly turned? I think she said baby was head down but not sure. There is a wierd drawing on my notes that's like 2 arrows one up and one down and a circle in the the arrow pointing down? Iykwim? It didn't feel like stretching pains to me. It was like I was about to have a really bad period. Was doubled over in pain. Not nice and pretty scary. Hubby was great tho. Thankyou everyone.xx
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I've not had it no sorry just more of a mild ache for me really. I know they said all I was okay but I'd be persistent and call the hospital again, you shouldn't be in that much pain for no reason! Hope everythings okay x
Going to rest for few hours and see how things go. Pains making me feel sick. I don't think it's bh contractions as monitor would of picked them up surely?xx
I think maybe you should get in touch with the hospital again, you shouldn't be having persistant pain surely?
I agree with Zoe and Rachael - you shouldn't be in that much pain, be persistent if you need to be. I really hope you feel better soon x
Fab news. Glad you're both ok. X

(Separate subject - you can tell our pee breaks at night sometimes ey? Makes me giggle).

Lol! I woke up at 3am to go pee and couldn't get back to sleep :( I should have come online!

Glad you went to hospital Lu, I've been having the 'feel like I'm going to start a period' sensation for a few days now, I think it's my body preparing. I was so sure I was going to start a period though, except my pains weren't as bad as yours.

Hope you feel better soon and keep an eye on it! xxx
Pains still come and go. Just went to bed and slept. Thought rest would help. Just keeping an eye on it for now. If pains persist or increase again then I'm off to hosp again tomorrow.xx
Yeah don't blame you, there has to be a reason behind it. Hope you feel better soon though x x
Oh Lullabell, i really hope those pains will go away for you soon!
hope it eases up but def go back to the hosp tomorrow if ur not feeling any better xxx

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