Is it wrong that i darn't get excited? (i hope you don't think i'm disrespectful) I thought when i finally got my BFP i would be dancing round like a lunatic not sat scared whitless afraid to get excited i hope you all understand why?
dont be silly!!!! you are scared and thats understandable hunny - just you wait till you get it confirmed everything is alright and it sinks in that YOU are having a BABY!!!!!
congrats girl you really deserve it and i couldnt be happier for you!!
thats great.
i totally understand how you feel, i would be exactly the same, im so pleased for you, well this 2ww will be the longest ever, i hope you see your little bean on scan, would they not even rescan in a weeks time?
Yay, great news! I had a weekend of horrific pains on my right lower abdomen at around 5 weeks - I was convinced it was ectopic - obviously it wasn't!
Know what you mean about not wanting to get a ticker etc, I waited until I'd had 18 high temps (only achieved if you are pregnant) and had properly missed a period. Even then it still didn't feel real until the first early scan at 8 weeks.
What you are experiencing is completely normal, a mixture of excitement, fear and disbelief. You haven't got any reason to think that it will go wrong, there's no bleeding, your hormones are doubling, the pains are normal... relax and enjoy - you're pregnant!!!
I'm so pleased to read that your hormone levels have doubled LMP! That is such good news I can totally understand that you are scared and whatever you need to do to keep yourself on the level is what you need to do.. I know every one on here will totally support you in however you want to feel or act to help you cope with your feelings.
I'd like to tell you about my experience in my last pregnancy. I was 5/6 weeks pregnant and was driving. Suddenly out of know where I had a stabbing pain. It put the fear of god into me and from then on I was trying so hard not to think about that pain (which would come and go and then be constant) All day it was driving me crazy with worry not to mention how much it hurt at times. That night I told DP and off we went to A&E. Sat there for 4 hours before even being seen by anyone in the know. Was told I should have gone to the doctors as it wasn't an emergency but to me it felt like an emergency. Although I wouldn't admit it I thought I was losing my baby. It took another few hours in hospital being seen by the relevant doctors (who assured me I had done the right thing by going itno hosp.!) Had an internal and was made an emergency appointment for a scan. I had to wait all that time to find out what was wrong with me, I resigned myself to the fact that I was losing my baby at that point. I dare not think anything positive. I had stupidly told my family I was pregnant so early on so I had all of that pressure of texts and phone calls asking me how I was, any news etc. it all added to the pressure and worry that I put on myself and had no choice but to go through.
I had my scan and every thing was fine. My 3 year old little girl is here, the rest of my pregnancy was absolutely fine, those pains subsided and to this day no one can tell me why I had them or what they were.
I just wanted to share that with you. I hope you feel you can celebrate your BFP soon x
I had terrible pains in early pg like you and other probs. It is hard to relax and enjoy it until you get past that first trimester (was for me anyway).
HCG levels doubling is a sure sign that this is a strong pregnancy.
I am delighted that your hormones doubled, that is just great! I completely understand why you feel scared, that is completely normal. I hope your scan will put your mind at rest
Thanks Everyone for all your really lovely messages and well wishes i was floating round the office when i picked these up!!!
Well last night i couldn't sleep a wink my tummy pains were keeping me awake but again they weren't excrutiating just really uncomfortable but i started to panic during the night that it was ectopic, and i was sure i was getting pains in my shoulder which is supposed to be a sign of that so i was sure i would wake up this morning and be bleeding or something but i don't know if i just imagined it all last night or not because i felt fine when i woke up just tired and i'm trying so hard not to get stressed because i know that it the worst thing i can do.
My temperature was really high this morning which is probably off my lack of sleep.
I think in the next day or so when i might have offically missed a period (although its a guessing game with my cycles) i might start to relax a bit more
sorry your feeling crappy hun. The pains could have been from stress (we all get silly symptoms when we think about things too much). Hope you feel better soon. By the way i PM'd you yesterday
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