Has anyone on here ever experienced an ectopic pregnancy with similar circumstances?

I'll love to hear from anyone thats gone through anything similar? Cysts, ectopic, free fluid in pelvis, nothing on scans etc etc.

:think: :think: :think: :think:

:pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

:| :| :| :|
Keeping everything crossed for you. Cramping is quite normal in early pregnancy, mine was quite bad too :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: Hope it's not eptopic hun... :hug: :hug: :hug: But to give you little bit of positive hope, all my pregnancies have resulted in a cyst appearing on my ovary. Apparently its quite common, this time, I even got a picture... I also got a lot of pain on the side where the cyst was, but it went around 12 weeks. Also my temps are always really, really low... even to the point I was told I never ovulated which I obviously do..

Fingers crossed everything is ok.. but if the pain gets much worse then I would go straight to the hospital. Its strange though, if the pain was caused by an eptopic pregnancy (were the growing baby is pushing on the fallopian walls) I would assume that they would have been able to see this on the scan.. :think:
Good luck, let us know how you get on. Fingers crossed all is ok, but it can take a little while to detect an ectopic pregnancy on a scan - I had one at 8 weeks and it was still tricky to spot, even though it was quite big

But if you're not in much pain that's a good sign. Thinking of you xx
:shock: when you least expect it you get a bfp :shock:
:pray: its a wee bean thats going to stick, good luck for tomorrow, it is really common to have cysts in early pregnancy so thats a really good sign, do you have any idea how many days po you are? i remember when i was pregnant with my daughter i went for an early scan, but they couldnt see anything, i had to go back the next week and what a difference a week makes, so you have a really good chance of it being a healthy pregnancy, good luck and keep us posted.
They were so convinced that I was suffering from an ectopic that they performed a laproscopy (which was clear) then a week or so later found a heart beat and a tiny baby on a scan! And in the right place, woohoo! I really hope everything turns out well for you lmp.

Good luck for tomorrow, I know how torturous waiting for blood results can be

Just to say Good luck for tomorrow. I had an ectopic pregnancy in Nov 2004 and they picked it up on the scan at 8+2. So they can see it quite early nowadays. I had terrible pains in my right shoulder but no abdo pains. I will pray for you tonight.
Love Scarlett
I really hope that Wednesday brings good news and it is a healthy pregnancy!! :pray: :pray: :pray:
:shock: Wow girl, that's a fair number of HPTs you've done :rotfl: . I reallly hope everything goes well tomorrow and you can relax and enjoy your pregnancy. Can't believe you've taken 4 days to let us know :shakehead: .
:pray: ing for you and little bean, take care :hug:
Good luck for tomorrow.

Your test looks like such a strong positive though

I had to have bloods done early in my first pregnancy because I was in a similar position to you, experiencing pains etc.. I think I had mine done at about 5 - 6 weeks.

My GP was concerned at the results because my hormone levels hadn't doubled in the 48 hours but the EPU midwives said it was because the levels of hormone were so high for that stage of pregnancy they wouldn't have doubled and they knew before scanning me that everything was OK.

I pray that the same is true for you, try not to be too worried if your HCG levels haven't doubled.
I'm tickled pink for you LMP! I was not expecting to log onto tonight to read that! I so hope it's OK for you, I don;t want to say too much yet but those are some very unfeint lines on your tests.. hope, hope, hope!
Good luck I really hope everything works out for you :pray: :pray:
All the best for tomorrow :hug: You've got a nice strong positive so hopefully that's a good sign. :pray:
Little miss pink said:
The doctors said once the blood results are in on wednesday (should take two hours from testing) From the rate of hormone increase I should know one of the following:

1) Hormones have doubled - indicated pregnancy is ok and in the right place maybe?

2) Hormone has slightly increased - indicates pregnancy is probably in wrong place

3) Hormones are about the same - indicates a failing pregnancy

They said they will need to scan me in about two weeks to confirm for definete though :wall: :wall: :wall: Two weeks :wall: :wall: :wall:

But again even if everything comes back ok it is so so so so very early lots can go wrong.

I'm so nervous too which probably isn't very good for me or the possible bean!!

:think: :think: :think: :think: :think:

But my tests have been getting stronger - but my temperature has dropped

I keep wondering if the cyst is the fertilised egg (at very top of tube) which i know is rare but can happen.

:pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Well my hormones have doubled

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

But becuase i still have abdominal pain (which kept me up all last night) they would like to scan me in two weeks just to make sure.

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

I just don't know what to think i'm numb with shock i daren't even put a ticker up or move to !st trimester and i daren't get excited i'm just so shocked and scared to get excited incase it all goes horribley wrong and i have a huge fall from the build up!!!!!!

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Gosh thats wonderful news, I really hope that all is well - try and enjoy this happy time x x x x x x x
Corrrr! :shock:


I hope everything is ok :D keep us updated if anything happends!!

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