9 days to go!
hehe, I must admit its taken a fair while to get here but I'm finally down to single digits!
anyway just thought I'd let all you ladies know
the maximum I'll be waiting to hold bubs is about 3 weeks! I tried getting things moving with a hot curry and a bonk. It did jack though if anything my cramps and backache has stopped! fat lot of good
still you never know, it might only be a few days til I'm holding bubs
hehe, I must admit its taken a fair while to get here but I'm finally down to single digits!
anyway just thought I'd let all you ladies know
the maximum I'll be waiting to hold bubs is about 3 weeks! I tried getting things moving with a hot curry and a bonk. It did jack though if anything my cramps and backache has stopped! fat lot of good
still you never know, it might only be a few days til I'm holding bubs