Old wife's tales abt bringing on labour!

Hello, i am doing a dissertation of alternative therapy in pregnancy and was wondering if anyone could help me by answering some questions on it please, all responses will be gratefully received
thank you.
My friend swears by castor oil, she had a spoon and went into labour 3 hours later
I tried EVERYTHING (except sex as I had thrush) and nothing worked ... But the night I went into labour I'd had spicy chicken fajitas ? So possibly that though I think it was just a coincidence
Good luck!!
In relation to those talking about Castor oil...
I had my daughter in 2014 and suffered with terrible constipation by the end and was desperate to go to the toilet so midwife and pharmacy said it was perfectly fine to use lactulose. I took it a couple of times in the final weeks and it eased things a little then on the night of the 18th (my due date) I felt totally bunged up and took some lactulose. Woke up at 5am with terrible diarrhoea cramps and had a massive clear out (tmi) but then an hour later my waters broke - they had grade 3 meconium in them which I understand is the worst and my daughter was distressed the entire 18 hours I was in labour but fortunately she never swallowed any. It could be a coincidence but I'm pretty sure it was the lactulose so I would be avoiding this too close to the end as well x

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