I just want to point out that.... English old people tend to be all right... I remember when I travelled on buses and trains while pregnant, it was the little old ladies who kindly gave up their seats for me not the "yoof of today" who just averted their eyes...
NOW if you want downright scary.... go for little old Spanish women... the men are fine (very much controlled by the little old lady)... but the women... OMG:.. I know there are other ex pats on this forum living in Spain and I am sure they will attest to this.
If you see a little Spanish old lady, she is easily recognisable as she is always in one of these ghastly black tent dresses (usually black)... run a mile... They are extremely opinionated... and will corner you no matter what and start talking to you about things that really don't concern you... or that you care about.
Not to mention the fact that they also make appointments with the doctors for a social meeting with their friends. Meaning that I have to wait two hours for my appointment just to pick up my sick note.. I know that they aren't ill... because I have to go to the doctors every week to pick up my baja (sick certificate) and I see the same old faces... limp in and cough dramatically.... then saunter out for coffee later chatting merrily with their friends...
now although I accept that not all little old Spanish women are like this.. I have to say that in the 6 years I have lived here, I have yet to meet one that isn't... batty in her own right.
Now the ones I have met who are lovely.... tend to want to feed you like you've just come over from Ethiopia.. (especially when you are pregnant)..I have to admit they are a great source of amusment sometimes, but still you want to avoid them especially when you have babies or are pregnant...
Edited because the post was STUPIDLY long...