Old People!

I think old peoples ways are hilarious! My nanan gave me £10 the other week and said 'Its because i dont buy you pop and biscuits anymore' :rotfl: Shes mad.
I just want to point out that.... English old people tend to be all right... I remember when I travelled on buses and trains while pregnant, it was the little old ladies who kindly gave up their seats for me not the "yoof of today" who just averted their eyes...

NOW if you want downright scary.... go for little old Spanish women... the men are fine (very much controlled by the little old lady)... but the women... OMG:.. I know there are other ex pats on this forum living in Spain and I am sure they will attest to this.

If you see a little Spanish old lady, she is easily recognisable as she is always in one of these ghastly black tent dresses (usually black)... run a mile... They are extremely opinionated... and will corner you no matter what and start talking to you about things that really don't concern you... or that you care about.

Not to mention the fact that they also make appointments with the doctors for a social meeting with their friends. Meaning that I have to wait two hours for my appointment just to pick up my sick note.. I know that they aren't ill... because I have to go to the doctors every week to pick up my baja (sick certificate) and I see the same old faces... limp in and cough dramatically.... then saunter out for coffee later chatting merrily with their friends...


now although I accept that not all little old Spanish women are like this.. I have to say that in the 6 years I have lived here, I have yet to meet one that isn't... batty in her own right.

Now the ones I have met who are lovely.... tend to want to feed you like you've just come over from Ethiopia.. (especially when you are pregnant)..I have to admit they are a great source of amusment sometimes, but still you want to avoid them especially when you have babies or are pregnant...

Edited because the post was STUPIDLY long... :rotfl: :rotfl:
Sorry to all those people I offended with this post. I didn't mean all old people in general beause that would be silly. I was just having a mad moment when I wrote this and should have thought about it before I went shooting off.
jenna said:
I think old peoples ways are hilarious! My nanan gave me £10 the other week and said 'Its because i dont buy you pop and biscuits anymore' :rotfl: Shes mad.

And did you spend it all on pop and biscuits young lady? or did you waste it all on one of them, ooo what do you call them.. VDV's? the music these days, alot of shouting and noise if you ask me, in my day we'd get on the coach to the seaside, have a lovely cream tea and dance all night at the pavillion....thats when I started courting your grandad.....ooo he was a handsome man, always nicely turned out.....
soverign said:
Sorry to all those people I offended with this post. I didn't mean all old people in general beause that would be silly. I was just having a mad moment when I wrote this and should have thought about it before I went shooting off.

You can't please all of the people all of the time. Don't worry I say!!

hahaha I remembered something funny. When me and Jed were first going out with lived in a bedsit. The landlady lived downstairs. she was an oldish (late 50's early 60's I reckon) ecentric Polish woman, really horrible mean and grumpy, and she used to wear Magic Roundabout t-shirts and loud trousers, a bit wacky. Anyway me and Jed's room was overlooking the garden and we went to toys r us and bought a water pistol and every now and then when she hung her washing out we would squirt her and she would bring it all back in again.

Sounds wicked now but at the time we used to :rotfl:

Lou :)
lou said:
jenna said:
I think old peoples ways are hilarious! My nanan gave me £10 the other week and said 'Its because i dont buy you pop and biscuits anymore' :rotfl: Shes mad.

And did you spend it all on pop and biscuits young lady? or did you waste it all on one of them, ooo what do you call them.. VDV's? the music these days, alot of shouting and noise if you ask me, in my day we'd get on the coach to the seaside, have a lovely cream tea and dance all night at the pavillion....thats when I started courting your grandad.....ooo he was a handsome man, always nicely turned out.....

Old people drive me bonkers - well the nignorant ones when your shopping or trying to get on a bus 0 I completely agree.

But sometimes you get the odd nice one :D an old dear helped me on the bus last week with my tribe!
some old ppl are so cute, like the ones who give Jam biscuits or money but the ones who tut at me for bein a young mum annoy me! :roll:

my nanna was the most glamourous woman with all her furs, pearls and lipstick and she used to spoil me rotton as well as bein the only person I could talk to, I miss her :cry:
lou said:
hahaha I remembered something funny. When me and Jed were first going out with lived in a bedsit. The landlady lived downstairs. she was an oldish (late 50's early 60's I reckon) ecentric Polish woman, really horrible mean and grumpy, and she used to wear Magic Roundabout t-shirts and loud trousers, a bit wacky. Anyway me and Jed's room was overlooking the garden and we went to toys r us and bought a water pistol and every now and then when she hung her washing out we would squirt her and she would bring it all back in again.

Sounds wicked now but at the time we used to :rotfl:

Lou :)

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

When i was about 7 we lived in a pretty rough estate, and there used to be this old woman who we christened "Moany Martha" because she used to come out and yell at anyone who walked past her house ("MY PAVEMENT!)

and once some friends of mine started throwing jelly babies at the door.She went and called the police and ten minutes later a full on armoured riot van drove up :lol: :lol:
zebrastripes said:
and once some friends of mine started throwing jelly babies at the door.She went and called the police and ten minutes later a full on armoured riot van drove up :lol: :lol:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
zebrastripes said:
lou said:
hahaha I remembered something funny. When me and Jed were first going out with lived in a bedsit. The landlady lived downstairs. she was an oldish (late 50's early 60's I reckon) ecentric Polish woman, really horrible mean and grumpy, and she used to wear Magic Roundabout t-shirts and loud trousers, a bit wacky. Anyway me and Jed's room was overlooking the garden and we went to toys r us and bought a water pistol and every now and then when she hung her washing out we would squirt her and she would bring it all back in again.

Sounds wicked now but at the time we used to :rotfl:

Lou :)

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

When i was about 7 we lived in a pretty rough estate, and there used to be this old woman who we christened "Moany Martha" because she used to come out and yell at anyone who walked past her house ("MY PAVEMENT!)

and once some friends of mine started throwing jelly babies at the door.She went and called the police and ten minutes later a full on armoured riot van drove up :lol: :lol:

What you mean the harmless kids throwing sweets police? Yeah I've been in trouble with them before. I once tossed a flying saucer at an old woman as I rode past her on my bicycle. I nearly got 6 months for it.

When we were kids we used to play knock down ginger, my OH Jed is from up north and they called it knock and run. I used to love playing that and couldn't really understand why old people got so mad but looking back now how bloody annoying must it have been having to get up out of your chair just to answer the front door with no bugger there!

oooo we were naughty :angel:
6 months :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

This was in Belfast mind you,she probably thought we were the IRA or some such
zebrastripes said:
6 months :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

This was in Belfast mind you,she probably thought we were the IRA or some such

:shock: :rotfl:

But did you have balaclavas on and army greens?

mummykay said:
some old ppl are so cute, like the ones who give Jam biscuits or money but the ones who tut at me for bein a young mum annoy me! :roll:

back in the days, a lot of them used to get married early and have their babies early as well so i don't see why any of them would tut at you!! :roll: as long as you're a great young mum!! don't pay attention!! :roll:

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