Old People!

skairdykat said:
OMG whats going on with this forum lately?
No-one can say jack sh*t without someone having a go?
She didn't say ALL old people are ignorant. And no she didn't say some either but jeez we knew what she meant.
Some people are just too pedantic and pick at things just for the sake of it.
I'm scared to comment sometimes for fear that someone will bite my head off.

And yes I am hormonal ATM too :rotfl:

I have to hold my hands up, I'm guilty of kicking off about the rememberence thing the other day. Maybe I have started a chain reaction? Would you like me to burger off?

Lou :(
skairdykat said:
OMG whats going on with this forum lately?
No-one can say jack sh*t without someone having a go?
She didn't say ALL old people are ignorant. And no she didn't say some either but jeez we knew what she meant.
Some people are just too pedantic and pick at things just for the sake of it.
I'm scared to comment sometimes for fear that someone will bite my head off.

I'm sorry :oops:

Gosh, I was just giving an opinion.

I didn't realise that my comments would be seen as pedantic and I certainly don't see myself as picking at things for the sake of it.

Call me a hormonal PMT biatch too but maybe I should not comment on things I don't agree with anymore.

Having opinions is hard work these days.

No offence to you ladies but I miss the way the forum used to be when you could have a good old debate without someone becoming offensive and the whole things having to be an argumentative attack :?
Just wanted to say that I think old people are great, my Poppa and my Grandma are brilliant people!

I don't understand why we aren't all allowed an opinion whithout people feeling that they need to delete posts for fear of being slated, I don't think it is fair that some of us jump on other people just because they had the courage to speak up for something they didn't feel was fair. I don't know what is happening to this place!

My third favourite old person is Nan Tate - what a f***ing liberty!! :rotfl:
missac said:
Just wanted to say that I think old people are great, my Poppa and my Grandma are brilliant people!

I don't understand why we aren't all allowed an opinion whithout people feeling that they need to delete posts for fear of being slated, I don't think it is fair that some of us jump on other people just because they had the courage to speak up for something they didn't feel was fair. I don't know what is happening to this place!

My third favourite old person is Nan Tate - what a f***ing liberty!! :rotfl:

Nan Tate is just like my nanna!! I wet myself everytime I see it cos it just reminds me of her! :rotfl: :rotfl:
ooh, can I borrow her? My Grandma would never be like that!!!! My favourite is the one with the new baby -

ent it f***ing ugly! :rotfl:

they.ve only gone and called it tesco!! :rotfl:
skairdykat said:
Awwww no hun I'm just all PMTable, ignore me :hug: :hug: :hug:

:hug: cheers I appreciate it! i think sometimes we can forgot that some of us are waiting for BFP's or are pg or new mums and might be feeling a bit touchy. I wouldn't want to stress anybody out :hug:

From now on I'm gonna be more nicerer :hug:
lou said:
the old lady who sits on the outside seat of the bus with her legs spead wide apart so you can't get to the only seat left on the bus
midna this is soo you.. i bet you even do it now..

this was the bit that reminded me of u.. i know u gonna let ur pubes grow long n grey.. and wear no knickers.. and i bet you will do the little britain granny in supermarket weeing on the floor and say.. gosh.. theres a spillage here lol..
aww my nan can be a right bitch, she is soooo two faced and she plays on a tiny illness so she has everyone running around her and she makes snidey little comments which you know are aimed at you but not made obvious enough for you to say anything back to her! a bit like that nan on the catherine tate show... I LOVE HER soooo much though, i find it funny how some older people play on it. I agree with Lou, i'm gonna do all that too. Bloody hell after spending all that time growing up i think they deserve to act like kids once again :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
kirlykird I wasn't having a go at you hun. :hug: :hug: :hug: I'm sorry I feel such a cow now.

Just ignore me I'm just being a bitch today :?

Oh and for the record I like some old people, well infact the majority are nice but some are a pain in the arse.As is the case with most generations I guess.
Thank you, I have PMT and believe the world hates me today anyway, god help my patients tomorrow :) :hug:
skairdykat said:
kirlykird I wasn't having a go at you hun. :hug: :hug: :hug: I'm sorry I feel such a cow now.

Just ignore me I'm just being a bitch today :?

Oh and for the record I like some old people, well infact the majority are nice but some are a pain in the arse.As is the case with most generations I guess.

nobody should apologise to anyone IMO... you have your opinions... what is there to apologise for :lol: your totally right.. a lot of old people are little buggers.. but fun though :cheer:
My mums dad died before I was born but I still have my mums mum and my dads mum and dad are still alive. My mums mum is 98 (you know) and she still lives alone and cooks for herself and does her own cleaning. She can't get out anymore but is still very much independant. Stubborn old woman!!!

Lou :)
Some lod people are twats, so rude but i find there is quite a majority of young, mid age and kids are exactly the same, was getting on the bus last week and no fucker helped me on the bus not one, i said to hope, not one oerson helped us did they, she smiled. AND also when ppl offer help and i say yes they try to take hope off of me, noooooooo take pram, not my bam thanks :x Im gonna be a right bitch when im old see how they like it :twisted:
My Nan (mum's mum) lived with us and had to sleep downstairs. God help anyone who sat on her bed and crumpled up her bedclothes LOL. She was soooooooo grumpy. On the other hand my other nan was lovely.
I did not have a go at anyone was just saying my opinion, I was under the impression it was normal to do that in reply to a thread I always try to be careful what I say so as not to cause offense wasnt having a go at anyone for what they said purely putting the other side accross that some old people are very lovely indeed, as I said I dont post very much on this forum as I am not pregnant, trying to become pregnant or have a child (and am not hormonal!!!!) I had a possible mc over a year ago when I posted for advice and pop in now and again as I like the atmosphere and to check how people are getting on and offer advice and support when I can from all the research I did durring my situation, if my comments arnt welcome Im happy not to give them! I dont like arguments, want to argue or intend to start them so Im sorry if thats how it was taken!

missac said:
Just wanted to say that I think old people are great, my Poppa and my Grandma are brilliant people!

I don't understand why we aren't all allowed an opinion whithout people feeling that they need to delete posts for fear of being slated, I don't think it is fair that some of us jump on other people just because they had the courage to speak up for something they didn't feel was fair. I don't know what is happening to this place!

My third favourite old person is Nan Tate - what a f***ing liberty!! :rotfl:

I love Nan Tate! :rotfl: :rotfl:
i have to say, i meet loads of lovely old women, usually when i'm waiting for bus, they seem attracted to the pram haha, they always ask about JT and start convo's about their own families and they are so open about it and friendly, sometimes i just wanna pick em up and squeeze them and take them home :hug: :hug:
lou said:
I love old people. Especially the rude ones. When I'm old I'm gonna be the witch who will burst your football before she throws it back over the fence and the old lady who sits on the outside seat of the bus with her legs spead wide apart so you can't get to the only seat left on the bus next to me by the window.

And when I get off the bus I will throw my head back and laugh a wicked laugh.

Lou :angel:

Hahaha me too :D
Old people always say to me & Isaac, "oh isn't she lovely, look at them curls and those eyelashes, ooo well I never"

and I say "Yeah she's lovely isn't she" or if I can be bothered I say "yeah them eyelashes are wasted on a boy aren't they!"

Lou :wink:
some old people get right on my nerves but then again some are loverly
as i look like im only 15 im forever getting shes way to young to have a child and as bray looks older than 2 they love having bitchey lil words to say bout how young i am how old i was wen i had him how i must be on every benefit going grrrr

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