Oh woe is me

sorry your going through a rough time sami :hug: i hope everything goes well with your scan tomorrow and you start to feel a bit better, keep us updated x
Aw poor girl, What a rough time your having. I know the sick and tired,feeling rotten etc. It's hard when you don't have too many options or offers of help. I was wondering if you have a mother and toddler group near you that you can go to. It might provide you with the company of like minded people, a welcome distraction for Damien and a break for you. just talking or moaning can help heaps.. i know i am moaning all the time about feeling ill at the moment. Still it's all worth it in the end! :cheer:
There is only one group near me but all the mums where I live are alot older than me and tend to look down on me and ignore me so I don't go. They are the same group who go the the baby weigh in clinic and half turn there backs to me as they pigeon hole me as a young mum. (Even though I'm 20, live with my Fiance, etc). It is very very snooty where I live. We only live here as it's where my partner grew up and his parents are round the corner from us.

Being on the forum helps though, wiythout you girls to listen to me moan I'd be lost :hug:
Aww Sami, it's horrible when you feel ill and have a LO to look after isnt it. I've got the dreaded cold as well, and so has Charlie so he is really niggly which doesn't help. I'm lucky that he's so young he still sleeps a lot, and when he went back down after his 10am feed, I joined him in the bedroom and managed over an hour and half! And I feel so much better since. Does Damien still have a nap during the day? If he does, don't do the usual mummy thing of trying to get all the things done that you can't do when he's awake. Get yourself off to bed too. Even if you only manage a 10 minute power nap, it will pick you up no end.

Oh, and don't apologise for moaning - that's what we are here for! :hug:
Thanks Tankett, I think I will be crawling back to bed when he goes down for his nap. He slept in with me (after having a bottle and being up for an hour) till midday which was nice, then we just layed in bed till before 1. Hopefully he will go back down about half 3 x
AW Sami, Being young or old (like me) doesn't make you a better mum. You are a good mum going through a rough time. Don't shy away from these people. We are all the same, snooty or not we all have problems and worries. I worry that i am too old and the younger mums might look at me like that. see? Until people get to know me/you and we give ourselves that chance then it's all guess work..... if I were there... i would be looking at you and saying to myself, good for her :clap: what a super mum :cheer: happy little boy and another baby on the way! :dance: and i feel tired without that extra stress, guezz oh, i wouldn't be able to cope as well as her.....
Do you see now what these mums might be thinking?
No matter what though! your right about in here, people know and care and listen and advise, it's a good site.
Take care Sami and don't stress hun :hug:
Your not old! I don't have a problem with mums of any age, but these people honestly turn their backs to me when I walk in the room and avoid me so they don't have to talk to me, they are very very rude if you're not an owner of a Mercedes benz and your own £300K house (which most cost where I live, I just rent). They are all stuck with their head up their snotty nosed arses, and I'm happy to let them stay there :lol: It's a shme there isn't more open minded mums in my little villiage.
I meet up with Carly from here alot (BubbleOne) when I can get out the house with the car, she lives about 15/20minutes away from me in the car. She is my saviour !

Thanks Fynemum xxx :hug:
Hope you feel better soon Sami - at least Damien is sleeping well during the day for you :)
Oh Sami I am sorry you are having such a rough time, I can really sympathise as my sickness has come back now but IO only have a week to put up with it.

I am so shocked the other Mums you see are like that. I am worried I'll also get the cold shoulder over here as I can't speak much danish and I'm sure all the other Mums will bond and I wont know what they are talking about :(

I hope the bleeding is not serious and you can go to full term this time :hug:
:hug: awww sami hun your really going through it :hug: not long now hun and you should be feeling a little better hope the bleeding eases off and is nothing to worry about :hug:
good luck with your scan 2moro and i hope your cold has eased a little by then xxxxxx
sounds really rough...good luck for the scan.
Thanks girls, scan awaits me at 10am - I always get so nervous now before I go even though it was fine 2 weeks ago.. Will be back to later to let you know how it went, and hopefully with piccie too!

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