Oh the joys of pregnancy!


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2011
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I feel mean & a tad guilty for saying it but I am really ready not to be pregnant - obviously on wishing for spud to make an arrival this early but really wishing the time away now.... Probably doesn't help I've been signed off work since 17 weeks due to hyperemiesis- finally get a hold on that at 24 weeks and then the joys of spd .... So going just a little stirr crazy!

So ladies what are you looking forward to after your lo arrives from a purely selfish point of view - here's my list

1. A good nights sleep
2. A cocktail in the sunshine
3. not peeing myself when I sneeze or cough -ah bladder control a long lost friend!
4. Energy.... Actually having some
5. Eating soft cheese mmmmmm cheese
6. No worrying about how much spud has moved/ if he's ok
7. That baby smell - the kind that comes in Johnston bottles :)
8. Sex sex SEX - has become an uncomfortable obstical- really looking forward to some decent sexy time
9. My belly shrinking :)
10. Being able to actually walk more than short distances

Obviously holding little spud & being a mum goes with out saying
( & seeing OH being a daddy) but this is my selfish list :)
Here's mine....

A Runny eggs
B Pate on soft french bread
C Being able to turn over in bed without waking up in agony
D Shaving both sides of my bikini line not just the bits I can reach
E Wearing what I want rather than just what fits
F Being able to get off the sofa

The thing I am looking forward to the most though is the very first look on my OH's face when he holds the little boy he has so many hopes and dreams for
Lol, I like this thread.

I had a pissy pants incident the other day too. That will teach me to up the game with the pelvic floor exercises.

I'm looking forward to not aching when I stand up and having my young active body back. Though admittedly that I'd going to take some work. My turbo trainer is set up and waiting in the garage for me already.

I am also looking forward to a glass of wine too. And licking the bowl when I've made cupcakes lol
Brilliant ones girls

I second the licking the bowl (although a ginger may have slipped/ dipped/ been licked at some point during this pregnancy!), dippy eggs hell yes

Being able to play on the Kinect - we got it the month I found out I was preggers and being able to get of the sofa without resembling a woomble!

:) xxx
Here's my list:

Runny eggs
Not feeling tired
Getting a whole nights sleep. This isn't looking hopeful though once bubba is here!
SEX! I also have SPD and just find it too painful to even think about it! Poor OH has been celebate for months!!
Being pain free.
Being able to stop worrying about having high blood pressure,(have had this on and of the last few Weeks).
Not having to pee in a pot twice a Week!
Not getting tearful at the slightest thing!
Being able to put my shoes and socks on without hurting and struggling.

Like BabyBrain can't wait to see the look on my OH's face. He's not sure if he'll cry or not!! He's looking forward to cutting the umbilical cord!
Brilliant ones there to Bute! Poor hubby sex just ain't happening it's too uncomfortable/ painful & no position helps...
I recon my hubby will cry he is so excited at being a daddy- although I'm not sure every hospital allows daddy to cut the cord...

And fathers day I 'm looking forward to giving my Hubby a fathers day card and pressie :)
I'm looking forward to sleeping on my stomach and saying goodbye to spd! I've been using the kinect all the way through. Gonna start using it more now as dancing is meant to be a good way to get labour going!

- A good piss up with friends :lol:
- Normal clothes!, fed up of maternity ones
- Not being kicked at stupid o clock in the morning
- Being able to reach my feet better
- Mcflurry!..I seriously crave them but knowing my luck ill get a dodgy one :|
- Hollandaise sauce!..Mmm!
- Being able to get my belly re-pierced as i had to take it out due to my belly button going a bit nasty :|

- A good piss up with friends :lol:
- Normal clothes!, fed up of maternity ones
- Not being kicked at stupid o clock in the morning
- Being able to reach my feet better
- Mcflurry!..I seriously crave them but knowing my luck ill get a dodgy one :|
- Hollandaise sauce!..Mmm!
- Being able to get my belly re-pierced as i had to take it out due to my belly button going a bit nasty :|

Mcflurry? Wow, I've had a billion of these since being pregnant. You ate strong willed lol
- to lie on my belly to sleep! Once I can do this I know I'll get a good rest! - runny egg
- amerretto and coke
- to be skinny again
- not worry about what I'm eating and just eat it!
- rides
Mine -
Runny eggs
Getting comfortable in bed
No heartburn
A glass of wine
Deffo agree with licking the bowl after baking cakes :)
Getting some shape back to my body - hoping the breastfeeding will help with this xx
i want to be able to sleep on my belly.
I want to feel normal and not soo tired.
I want to go shopping for nice summer clothes.

Only a few things but most of all i want baby here all happy and healthy xxx

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