The joys of being pregnant.
I have generally had it it easy since finding out I am pregnant no sickness and that, but boy am I paying for it.
I am having a guess that baby has got its self comfortable on my bladder and is there to stay, I feel like I need a constant Number 1 and 2
and the most embarressing thing is I have wind to go with it, its potent
I am sitting looking like butter wouldnt melt at my desk in the office and I am sure everyone can smell it
I can only chuckle to myself and just act as though I cant smell a thing although the my waddle to the toilet every 20 mins may give it away
Just thought I would give you a chuckle I love it though being pregnant and all.
I have generally had it it easy since finding out I am pregnant no sickness and that, but boy am I paying for it.
I am having a guess that baby has got its self comfortable on my bladder and is there to stay, I feel like I need a constant Number 1 and 2

I am sitting looking like butter wouldnt melt at my desk in the office and I am sure everyone can smell it

I can only chuckle to myself and just act as though I cant smell a thing although the my waddle to the toilet every 20 mins may give it away

Just thought I would give you a chuckle I love it though being pregnant and all.