oh no!! bit of an 'embarrassing bodies' question


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2010
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this is really embarrassing :( but its made me bit sad

as my due day is fast approaching i thought i'd give my self a wee bit of a tidy up 'down there'. didnt want to be over run with unwanted body hair when i went into labour :p only im begining to wish i hadnt bothered cause i seem to have developed a fair few, what i can only describe as 'small skin tags' in a delicate area. i read in books you can get skin tags while pregnant but i never thought there.

has anyone else had or heard of this? do you know if they disapear or am i going to be stuck with them?

:( i felt all fat and ugly as it was loosing my body but this is worse.
I was only reading today that skin tags, spider veins and moles all grow and darken during pregnancy due to extra blood but usually return to normal a few months after giving birth. Good for you for tidying up hehe but how did you reach?
i used veet and a mirror, haha, was the only way it seemed possible. im too afraid of waxing.

i hope they clear up eventually then :s
I tried veet a couple of weeks ago, but missed loads of bits i felt upset by it and told OH he'd need to help me next time, lol. What's a skin tag? Sorry i just don't know what it is honey, i'm sure it will all be fine though and i don't blame you for having a tidy up, i will be doing the same xx
I got one on each side hun.. And one actually got really big.. About a week or 2 after LO was born they went themselves, I was thinking of going to the doctors about them after the bleeding had stopped.. I have read they are normal during pregnancy.. :hug:x
I had some small ones on my arm -what concerned me more though was that my feet grew a size up to a 9 :shock: Im sure they will disappear xx
hmm how can you explain a skin tag?? its just growths of extra skin, i thought it was spots at first but on closer inspection i was wrong.

thanks for your help everyone, i'll wait and see if they go away after babys born if not i'll go to dr. i wouldnt be so bothered if they were any where else but 'down there' makes me feel like a freek. thank god im single thats all im going to say :(

i wasnt that impressed with the veet either katie jane, it went patchy with me too lol
Thanks for trying to explain hun, i will keep an eye out for them xx
OMG I did the same thing yesterday, with hubbys hair clippers (on a number 0 lol) and a large mirror. Nearly killed myself trying to get the bit just under my bump, right at the top of my lady garden lol. Had to lie on the bed, lie back and hope for the best.

Anyway, I also spent the day complaining and moping about my big fat flabby mini moo and I have the same things after tearing badly with my first. Glad I don't look down there that often!!!!!!! Ruined my day!!
No skin tags for me yet but I do have stretch marks in my lady garden!! I have a wee bikini trimmer but lets just say at the moment I can't go as short as I normally would! :roll:
I was wondering what I was going to do when we approached b-day - Veet sounds like a good idea! OH is already shaving my legs and painting my toes, just need to persuade him to tidy me nethers now! I've not seen them myself in over a month! Hahaa!x
I'm not sure I'd let OH loose down there with a strimmer, or any sort of chemicals!! I'd end up with some sort of 'funky do' and not even realise it!!
:rofl: Haha! Don't say that, you've got me worried now...!

I'll be in hospital and the MW will be like "Oooooo, nice brazillian!" OH will make some stupid remark about it being a 'go faster' stripe so bubs comes quicker...tit!
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I was wondering what I was going to do when we approached b-day - Veet sounds like a good idea! OH is already shaving my legs and painting my toes, just need to persuade him to tidy me nethers now! I've not seen them myself in over a month! Hahaa!x

lol!!! my OH shaves my legs too!! how funny is that. he has also been 'trimming' my erm.. down below hair which makes me feel good for about a day then they grow back straight away!! he also promised he'd be giving me a tidy up when labour is approaching, i'll hold him to that, lol!

i love PF and these threads as i don't have many people around me who i can talk to it about! (don't think OH's mum would be impressed, lmao)

ahh skin tags! i don't like them :( anywhere else claireo i would've suggested a piece of thread to kinda.. pull them off but i'm not sure how you would do it down below! maybe just wait until after baby to see doctor if they get worse like others have suggested :) also kudos to you claireo for trying to tidy, i can't lie on my back without feeling all faint and flimsy!

aw megs i have stretchmarks there too. like amyjayne when i noticed them it proper ruined my day!

everything will be back to normal after the LO's have arrived, let's just think of it like that! if not i'm coming down on any doctor out there like a tonne of bricks :gun:

lol tasha! that remark reminds me of OH's remark saying the hair would be 'nature's natural car wash'!

lol tasha! that remark reminds me of OH's remark saying the hair would be 'nature's natural car wash'!


Hahaa! Arseholes aren't they?! I'm already thinking of packing lots of heavy items to lob at his head in my hospital bag...
aw ive not got an oh to help me tidy up so i had to struggle on. veet i wouldnt recomend, it made such a mess i ended up having to take a razor to try too tidy up the tidy up, which was the hardest thing ive ever done, balanced on the side of the bath with a big mirror, haha thank god no one was around to see. thats how i noticed the skin tags cause obviously the razor caught them. im too embarrased to go to the dr so i'll ask if its normal when i go into labour haha, kill 2 birds with one stone.

lets just hope i dont develop a shaving rash or god knows what they'll think is going on down there

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