Oh my gosh, help!


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2010
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Hi ladies, I hope this isn't an inappropriate post in here, I just need some help and advice from my reliable ltttc friends!!!

I realised at the weekend I was a few days late for end of LP -mega long cycle didn't ov till day 32/3 (now on day 49) and felt really yacky all weekend. So had my suspicions but thought I was being daft - just taken 3 diff brands of cheapy test and they are all positive!!!!!

Firstly, one month ago (ish) at infertility appt I was told that the polyp in my uterus combined with pcos would mean I wouldn't get pg anytime soon without help/minor surgery. Secondly, I ov'd very late in the cycle which surely can't be good.

I'm so scared and confused. Got an appt booked for infertility doc again next week. I'm worried (this will sound awful) that I'll miscarry again then have to go through whole process again and wait months and months to be seen. Should I just call and explain? If i get through to week 8 or so I'll be in need of an early scan..........


Eek. Part of me is getting excited, but I shouldn't really.

Ps. I calculated I must be about 4w2days today xxxxx

Hope everyone ok! again sorry if this post offends anyone, but as you can imagine I don't feel like announcing just yet.....
I'll raise your oh my gosh and raise you a double gosh.

This is fantastic news Sarah, congratulations.

Your pregnant hun, no need for anymore fertility appointments, phone up and cancel. I'm sure they will be thrilled you no longer need their services.

I am scared too but i am taking one day at a time and don't think i will ever get out of the habbit of knicker checking ;)

Oh i'm so happy for you, we can be nervous & scared together!!! xxx
Sarah, thats amazing news - no appointmtnet for you on the 21st now. :dance:

Why don't you book an appointment with your local doctor for this week before you cancel your fertility appoinment just for peace of mind, then you can keep your specialist appoinment if needed.

I am so happy for you!
Congratulations!!!!!!! That's great news for you and
Your oh!!!!! Defo no more appointments for you xxxxx
Thanks ladies, can't really get my head around it at the mo. Just really worried cos they said the uterine polyp I have is large and can interfere with pregnancy. Its all ifs and buts though I suppose..... hopefully WHEN (positive thinking) I get to 8 weeks or so I can get an early scan. Think I'll wait a couple of weeks before the doctors as remember they don't do anything anyway.

My brain is a mess!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Ps. Kerrianne I like that we can be nervous buddies together:) I know what you mean about knicker checking! I have been doing it all weekend assuming that af would be here....... xxx
Aw wow that is great news, congratulations! I ov'd late in the cycle when I got pregnant too.
See you in first trimester, congrats again xx
Hiya Sarah :)

Firstly, a HUGE congratulations :dance:

Regarding the appointment, if it was me, i'd phone up and reschedule the appointment and not cancel it completely.

Umm and ahhhh about any dates they suggest and say that you aren't sure you can 100% commit to any dates until the end of August and get an appointment for then.

If the worst happens, you will still have that appointment and might be able to bring it forward.

If it doesn't, you can cancel it after your 12 week scan :)
wow....thats amazing news :D fingers crossed for a wonderful 9 months :D x

That's amazing news!! :) Congratulations!!

I'd maybe speak to the hospital now and just check if there's any meds they might give you and you also might just get an earlier scan than 8 weeks.

Hope you have a happy and healthy pregnancy and super sticky bean!


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