Oh my god!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2010
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Tyler does not like sleeping today!

I'm trying to get him to sleep in his basket in the bedroom in the day as well as the night as he only seems to like sleeping on me.

His early morning sleep he went down fine and slept for about an hour.

His next sleep I tried to put him Down at 9.45 but he wouldn't sleep until 11!! He just kept waking up and crying to come out.

Every sleep I've popped him in a few times and he'll go initially then cry.

He normally spends his day sleeping one unless I can sneak him into the basket and right now he's in his chair.

I was thinking he might be too big for it now as his arms hit against the side but he goes down in it perfectly at night.

Any ideas?

Watching this thread myself for ideas as Harlow does exactly the same thing. She was up from 11am until 4pm yesterday x
Tbh I'm only bothered because he's nearly 7 weeks now at your LOs age I'd say give into the cuddle times as she just wants to feel reassured as she's in a scary world. Having said that it could be the same with Tyler still!

If he'll fall asleep while on you or in the lounge with you I'd say just go with that. I didn't make Paige try and sleep in her room for naps until she was 6 months but then I didn't have any kind of routine for her and let her do her own thing anyway :blush: but she's fine and sleeps in her cot now and everything lol.
The problem is we live in an open plan flat and I cant do the washing up or anything when's asleep as he hears a pot or the plates and wakes up :|

My LO didn't sleep at all during the day untill he got to about 9 weeks or something, i thought something was up coz I thought all babies wanted to sleep all the time. Turns out he was over tired. Once I started getting him into a better routine with naps he slept alot better. I started by offering a nap (putting him somewhere calm/dark to sleep) every 1/2 hours & he eventually started sleeping those times.

Try not to worry not all babies sleep alot

Will is doing the same thing! i've just tried (without joy!) putting him for a nap in his basket and he was having none of it. normally in the day he falls asleep in his chair or in the buggy when we are out.

i thought i'd give it a go today, went in 4 seperate times and in the end gave in too!! xx

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