Oh My F***ing God!!!!

Huge congratulations and so deserved!! I knew your time would come! Looks like next Christmas will be a very different picture for you after all.
Thank you ladies xx

oh I’ll have to stick around and watch your journey gorgeous! I remember you were the first to post my OMG is this a positive post after waiting so long for my bfp! I’m now nursing my beautiful baby to sleep. I’m so happy that you finally get this moment x
OMG char!!! WTAF!!!
I can’t get any words out lol!
How many DPO are you? 3+ is amazing!!! How are you feeling? Tell us the whole story lol
Well happy new year to you hun xx
CHAR!! Omg I’m crying this is so wonderful! I’m SO SO happy for you! What an amazing start to the year! :D xxx
Actually crying for you. You’ve been a rock for me and so many ladies on this forum. Truely one of the most deserved Bfps I’ve ever seen.
Congratulations xxx I hope it’s a nice healthy and easy pregnancy for you xxxx
OMG char!!! WTAF!!!
I can’t get any words out lol!
How many DPO are you? 3+ is amazing!!! How are you feeling? Tell us the whole story lol
Well happy new year to you hun xx
I have been speechless since yesterday morning. It still hasn’t sunk in and I don’t think it will for ages!
I actually don’t know exactly how many dpo I am as I didn’t track ovulation this month. The one month I decided to chill and enjoy the festive season. I drunk and ate quite a lot and we DTD whenever we fancied it. I think I am around 22dpo, my cycles have been a bit longer since I started my new vitamins but I stopped taking them in December so I think my cycle went back to normal at 28 days.
From my last period, I am 5+2.
Can you actually believe it? Xx
I have been speechless since yesterday morning. It still hasn’t sunk in and I don’t think it will for ages!
I actually don’t know exactly how many dpo I am as I didn’t track ovulation this month. The one month I decided to chill and enjoy the festive season. I drunk and ate quite a lot and we DTD whenever we fancied it. I think I am around 22dpo, my cycles have been a bit longer since I started my new vitamins but I stopped taking them in December so I think my cycle went back to normal at 28 days.
From my last period, I am 5+2.
Can you actually believe it? Xx

I am absolutely over the moon for you
I said in another message I reckon you will have a bun in the oven next Christmas but I was wrong as you will have an actual baby here!!
The frer lines and the 3+ is an amazing sign too, looks like a good strong egg you’ve caught, please keep us all up to date on how you are getting on, so so so happy for you xxxx
Did you have any different symptoms this cycle? Ahhh this is so exciting :D
Actually crying for you. You’ve been a rock for me and so many ladies on this forum. Truely one of the most deserved Bfps I’ve ever seen.
Congratulations xxx I hope it’s a nice healthy and easy pregnancy for you xxxx
I couldn’t have done this without the support of you ladies, you have all been amazing.
Thank you so much for your lovely words. Xxx
Did you have any different symptoms this cycle? Ahhh this is so exciting :D
Nope. But tbh I wasn’t looking for any. For once in my whole time TTC I wasn’t thinking about it because I knew we was getting ready for ivf x
OMFG!! Congrats @chattychar1990!!!
I'm am sooo happy for you! I'm crying! Blame it on the hormones lol
It's so funny so many women get naturally pregnant just before IVF. For 22DPO, that's a strong line! What made you test?x
Oh my god!!!! I’ve been so looking forward to you getting your BFP! It’s made my day! Congratulations! Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months x

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