OH is getting very involved!


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Jul 8, 2011
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Im shocked! My OH's view is normally everything will be fine and he is relaxed and doesn't really bother with much. Especially not organising.
But he has started getting really involved, we walk into shops and he looks a baby things and say's 'is there anything we need from this shop' and i said 'no not really we have all the small bottles of johnson's stuff' 'well we can get more to stock up' .. ended up leaving with my arms piles with johnson's baby stuff for bath time!
I walked in the other day and he told me to sign upto the mother and baby group at asda to get a free newborn starter pack... he was actually looking online for offers to do with baby stuff... he had a list of places that where offering baby things!
And ill mention something and he will say 'i looked online and it say's... '
OH never looks online for anything! and he is there researching things to do with babies!
And he called me up at work to let me know he had seen a cot in the freeads and asked if he should call... he is even looking for baby things in magazines!
It is just so out of character, when we where getting married i had to force him to look at anything, he wouldnt organise a thing.
I made a list for what i need in the hospital bag and he asked from me to show him it so he knew where it was on the PC in case he has to pack it... he normally laughs at my list making!

Are any of your OH's getting really baby headed?
No :( Mine's a bit afraid of the baby, I can tell. Well, so am I!!! But things still have to get done, I just have to give him a bit of a nudge to bet his bum into gear.
Nope - mines being abit distant about it all if I'm honest. It caused a major hormonal bitch fit on Saturday evening to the point where it had me in tears, to which he realised I was genuinely upset at how he has behaved recently and he apologised and cuddled me all night... Doesn't change the fact he isn't involved though.. And I don't see why I should have to talk to him and ask him to get involved.. I feel he should be just as interested in the whole process as I am... Men ey... Never understand them! X
Oh bless him! Sooo sweet!

My hubby is scared i think. I don't know if he is scared of being a dad or just concerned everything will be ok. I think he is waiting till the 20wk scan when we are told everything is progressing well then i think it will hit home.

Also he has only felt little chip move on the odd occasion and he hasn't been to any baby shops yet. Maybe i need to drag him to mother care for a bit?

I have asked him but he just says he's fine and looking forward to it.

So lovely that your man is getting right into it though xx
Totally agree with kerrieanne! Wish my OH would make such an effort lol ... I'm jealous lol x
Oh that is so lovely. Mine was a bit un involved up to 20 weeks, he would say things that i knew meant he'd been researching but he'd kept it to himself. Dont think he wanted to get too excited just in case. But now we know the sex, have named him and he can see him kick hes a lot better. I catch him looking at clothes quite a bit and he offers opinions on pushchairs, cots etc. He even points out baby shops to go in! He sings to our little boy every day and he built our crib the other day and was practicing putting an invisible baby in it, lol, brought a tear to my eye.
Dont worry ladies, i think some men are a bit scared to get excited and i think some dont know how to behave as they arent experiencing every little symptom and movement like us x
I wouldn't be jealous he is a lazy bum the rest of the time..

I think because it is totally out of character it has shocked me a bit, He isnt emotional and like i said has a leave it until last minute attitude but for some reason he is completely baby organised now, he even sorted out the nursery and helped me arrange all the baby things into there draws.

He also came out with 'i dont drink so on a Saturday i can just stay in, me and the baby' - he is planning nights in just the two of them at the minute lmao
I expected him not to really be involved and leave it to me like he does with everything else but he hasn't... maybe because i keep panicking i know nothing about babies so maybe he is trying to make me relax a bit more.
I mean he hates shopping but i mention a baby sale and he's got his coat on ready to go :S
He is such a strange character after almost 7 years you think you know how someone is going to react and then they go and shock you.
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feels like my dh doesnt care atm, but we are shopping next week after our scan so that will perk him up!

he doesnt wanna get too excited "in case something happens", but as i keep sayin to him, if we wait much longer to buy things baby will be here. god forbid but somethin could happen in labour, when lo is a few months old, a few years old. are we not gonna buy anything in case something happens?

silly git! think he is just bein cautious until we have the scan, which i can understand, but i wil l drag him in all the baby shops i see when we are in london. i have a trip to mothercare world planned too :D
My oh has had a few false starts, his new phase is sitting on the sofa dribbling with fear. He's very practical with furniture and prams and car seats and things but doesn't do mushy apparently. The slippers I bought raised a smile but he was more fascinated by the fact that they rattle than the little feet that will one day be in them xxxxxxxxxx
I have to say I am really lucky cos my OH is more into it than me. Everything is brought apart from clothes as we are waiting for the 20 week sex scan. He is so excited its like living with a kid. My son is just as bad, he is 13 and used his pocket money to buy baby vests on line the other day. lol. xxxxxxx
Mine is excited but worried about money atm so he's keeping me on a tight lead when it comes to spending :(! I think baby will be getting most of her stuff once she has arrived and we will only be buying the necessities for now :(
Yeh we are tight with money but there are only three pay days left so we went on a 'big spend' with a bit of spare money because it was a 5 week month and got almost everything. ive been buying bits since week 12 so have got almost everything now... but hubby still panicked we havent got enough i think.... maybe he is just trying to make it easy for me as i am usless with babies atm lol x
My OH is exactly the same. In fact i've actually had to tell him to calm down on buying things! Not to be presumtuous but i know we'll get a lot of things bought for us by family/friends and i don't want us to end up with loads of things that go to waste or never get used. So at the moment i'm trying to find a way to kerb his enthusiasm without making it look like i'm not happy or grateful that he's so interested!

On a serious note, the problem with my OH is that he loves spending money and in the past it actually caused us a lot of problems and we broke up over it. I know how skint we'll be when baby arrives so i'm just trying to be sensible and stop him blowing loads of money. That's ok isn't it lol? Or do i sound like Mrs Scrooge? xxx
bee 7 no i dont think you sound like scrooge you sound sensible to me, I know ill get things bought but they will go out and buy Girl/ boy things once baby is born and everyone knows what it is, also my best friend and sister in law have been good and asked what i need buying so i can cross it off my list so they can buy me something i actually need.
I think Hubby has calmed down now i showed him we have hardly anything on our list left now... I can't be mad at him tho because i love baby shopping too much lol x

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