oh great!


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2010
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:afalert:well looks like she is in the process of showing her ugly face. i have had pink/brown mixed in cm late last night and this morning although not when i wiped but just know shes on her way.

so disappointed. wish my body wouldnt keep playing tricks on me.

oh well roll on next month i guess.

Really sorry she got you, next mth is gonna be your month XX

I think your tickers gone funny too
she certainly is. so far she hasnt started properly.

ive still only had brown/pink cm.

Oh well hopefully it's just IB Hun. All the best. Let us know
ooooohhhh nooo hunny not out yet i am keeping everything crossed!!! xxxxx
Hope it's IB, otherwise hope the next cycle is the one for you.

I'm expecting af at any minute. Due tomorrow but I think she'll show up tonight. So frustrating isn't it.
So sorry hun but you never know, it could be IB...How many days late are you now?
:hug:so sorry hun fingers crossed it is not af and she stays away xx i hate it when she is late it kinda gives you false hopes:hug:
im 6 days late.

havent had anymore so far. not using anything now as there isnt any need for protection. lol.

its odd and i know its probably witch playing tricks on me but my af normally starts and carries on getting heavier and heavier. not had this before. xx
Really hoping its IB for you hun, fx...
I've still got nothing either except bad AF pains...

You're not out yet, stay positive!!
i am.

we are gona need our own thread soon jarjar. keep crossing over. ha ha.

just replied to you.

will let you know what happens with it tomorrow. xxx
Yeah I just seen that, I also replied to it!!

Let me know how you get on hun...
the disappointment of af is immense, hope it's IB x
Really hope it isn't the witch hun. It could be IB. FX for you xx
no definately the witch. she came with a vengence this morning. sitting here trying so hard not to cry. feel so down and emotional today. xx
Sorry 2 hear that babe, keep your chin up :hug: xxx
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