OH GOD!! i am in neeeeed!!!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2009
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My body is yearning to be pregnant, i need another baby.......what the hell is wrong with me?!?!?

Its like an ache inside, its taking over my thoughts, i dream about it!! I am a total nut job i really am! I think my body is in shock from not carrying a baby in it :lol: i mean i was pregnant or breast feeding for 20 months straight afterall. Someone talk me out of my stupidity......QUICK!! xx
Someones broody, you're WTT won't be long before you're preggers anyway! :)

:slap: LOL
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Err..can you get a goldfish in the meantime until you feel like you are thinking straight again? :lol:
a dog might help, i dunno, i want to be pregnant so bad, its killing me!! I'm considering taking my coil out and seeing what happens :rofl: i took the last one out myself :blush: i can do it again xx
It was less painful then the nurse doing it to be honest. I just reached inside, grabbed the string and eased it out.....simple! Although i wouldn't recomend anyone else doing it lol xx
Nooooooooooooo!!!! Don't do
Woman!!!!!! Lol x x
Its like a pain inside that i cant ignore, its taking over my life, i cant sleep properly because of the yearning.........i should buy a puppy!! xx
omg im with you toon i am sooooo broody aswell i was soo tempted to stop taking my pill and have an 'accident'?? lmao (you all see why i dont let any friends or family on here pmsl) xxx
i bought a puppy and the novelty wears off too quick ( i still love her but shes not a baby) xx
Broody doesn't even touch it lisa, i neeeeeeddd to be pregnant! I cant explain it, its like, when you try to quit smoking but you neeeed a fag, its like being hungry and needing food. I never even used to like kids, urgghhh i'm a freak!!
removing your coil!!!!! thats sounds painful but like you said prob not as much as when the nurse did it for me too xx
have you told the OH? i would have mine closer if i could change things x
OH said i can have as many babies as i like once we have moved. We live in a 2 bedroom flat (3 if you take into account harry potters ((lucas's)) room, its a cupboard lol a big cupboard tho) I know he is right but i cant help what my body wants xx
are you moving anytime soon? i thought u wer putting pix up of the cupboard room?? :D i wanna see :D xx

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