
Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2008
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I am soooo fed up with all the huge comments I am getting. I asked hubby for reassurance that I am not that big and he said Umm actually you are! One of the wives at the Christmas do on saturday even said are you sure you aren't due now? Felt like replying - Umm no I'm not sure it is possible I have my dates wrong by 12 weeks and the dating scan was totally wrong ARGGHHHHHHHHHHHH
I am gonna load up the pic from the weekend so you can see I know I am overweight but I am actually still 4lbs lighter than pre-pregnancy now at 28 weeks so no=one can accuse me of piling on the pounds or eating for 2. Fed up with it all and I have a growth scan tomorrow so hope that shows a big baby so I can blame bubs lol
Pic from last Saturday hubby's work chrimbo do

:hug: You only look slightly bigger than I do from what I can tell. This is your fourth after all and they say you show bigger each time. Seriously, don't worry about it. Some people can be really tactless with their comments :roll:

They should've been complimenting you on you complexion instead. Lovely photo, Mik :)
Im the same size and this is my 2nd, you look really good! Put it down to jelousy!!! :hug:
I get comments all the time too!
Im still ina size 8 maternity clothes but my bump it absolutely massive and i look totally out of proportion!!!...everytime i go out someone feels they should make a comment on how big my bump is.
I wouldn't mind but the midwife told me on Friday that my LO feels about average size so im not sure what else is hiding in there with him....? :shock:

And i think you look lovely anyway :hug:
you don't look any bigger to me from years back except the bump.

Just ignore the comments hun :roll: I kept getting told I was too small and baby would be less than 4lb!!
just ignore them hun there prob just jelous :hug:
I think people sometimes just don't have anything better to say and the only thing they can think of is to comment about size.

My bump is big and people keep commenting on it. I've got gestational diabetes and a big baby in there and so I don't really appreciate the comments as I'm aware that thing aren't "normal". A colleague of mine is due around the same time as me and she's much smaller and people comment how small she is, and she's now worried that her baby is too small -comments like this never help do they?

btw in the photo you look like a blossoming pregnant lady with a very proud husband by your side :hug:
Thanks I feel alot better since posting this I think the thing that got to me most was hubby saying I was huge :wall:
you look gorgeous hun! ignore people, they don't know what they're talking about....
You look lovely :clap: I used to get all the daft comments too :talkhand: I was walking down the road one day and was only 6mth and someone said to me "Corrr you ok luv,you look like you need an ambulance" :x :lol: I did laugh about it though and at the time i felt like i needed one too :lol: I'm only 5ft 2 and i got massive but hay ho it was well worth it ! x
Some men just don't think thats why us women were chosen do the hard stuff as men wouldn't last 2 seconds :lol:

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