

Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2008
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So I had my 38 week appointment today and at first they were saying how the head was very low down, and seemed concerned that I may be in labour as I was have toghtenings too. They were also struggling to find the heartbeat. After some searching they found it above my belly button....felt around again and then said that the head might be upwards! So the midwife called the labour ward an asked them to give me a scan.

Just been at hospital and sure enough baby is bum down!!! So I was told by the docs they would book me in for a c-section at 39 weeks. They said that if the baby turned then I could cancel the section and hve baby naturally.

Off goes the doc and twenty mins later in comes the midwife. She declares that she wants to do an internal to make sure I am not in labour. Couldn't understand half the things she said and she bloody shoved her fingers right up there and wasn't gentle. The cervix was/is closed so not in labour. Anyway another 20 mins she comes back and says she's booked in my section for the 17th..my due date. This has pissed me right off as no doubt I will go into labour before then and will have to have an emergency section.

Anyway I have a consultant appoitmet on Monday...and either way baby will be born on or before due date.x
Oh how frustrating such contradictory advice! At least you had the scan to check out where baby is. I would insist at your consultant's appointment that they bring forward your elective section date and fingers crossed baby will have moved by then so you won't need it but as you say you don't want to end up having an emergency section if you can avoid it - big :hug: xx
How frustrating for you hun and a shocking lack of communication from your health providers there. Ive got everything crossed for you that baby turns before then for you xxx
i would definately speak to your consultant and explain that your c section date scheduled for 39 weeks is actually your due date. i have always found it amazing how they can tell where baby is lying, i cant tell i dont even have the foggiest what hits me a leg an arm, elbow etc, when i was pregnant with my 4th they kept telling me she was breech had a scan and she was head down apparently they had never felt a harder bum, she still has a really boney bum and she hurts sometimes when she its on your knee. i really hope that they get this sorted for you, and no idea if its possible but just prepare yourself for c section and then even if it is an emergency you still know what to expect and was expecting to have c section anyway
Oh wowza so u got a date booked a day before me. So why didnt they attempt to turn the baby?!?!? Rather than rush to book u a section? Can u get a second opinion as ur midwife sounds like a prat. Ask to speak to ur consultant Hun. Drs are a bit anal!!!!
I'm feelin it for u Girly :( *hugs*
Did you not say to her that you need it booked for 39 weeks and not 40? You need to insist on that really. Hope baby turns for you though x
The midwife at hospital said that this was the only date available and it just so happened to be my due date. Wills see what re consultant says.

Lealea- turning the baby only works 40% of the time and it's not nice for the mum or baby. As my mum days, the baby will lie whichever way up is more comfortable for it. So you could try and have it turned, it be turned into the right position, then 5 mins later it turns back.

Why made me laugh was that the the consultant says we can try to deliver breech but we would have to scan to make sure the legs were in the right position etc etc. But can you imagine fussing about with that and also going inti labour only to have a c-section.

I suppose though the docs said 39 weeks, thy is only next week and if the appointments are all booked up then there is little I can do.x

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