
Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2011
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Ladies help i'm freaking out! It's five/six days until AFs due and i've got some pretty horrible stomach pains, and this morning, out of nowhere I cr*apped my pants for the first time since I was three! Now I feel sick and my stomach still hurts, i'm scared waiting or a doctor to ring back but was just wondering on the off-chance that anyone else had experienced symptoms like this and turned out to have a healthy pregnancy? :'(
Maybe it's a stomach bug that you have?? I haven't heard of anyone else having had this, buy maybe they just haven't said :hug: x
Oh hun, you poor thing

I hope your on the mend soon & the GP can suggest something but sounds like an icky tummy

Yes it seems to be okay now and stomach cramps have subsided, I have had episodes of IBS in past also I stayed at a friends last night and needed to go but held it in, maybe it's my body punishing me for that haah, i've been doing some digging online and I have heard a lot of women getting sudden attacks of it but I guess it just caught e by surprise! SOOOO embarrassed :'( thank GOD no one is home!!!
Omg, how awful, agree with princess, sounds like a bug. Hope you feel better soon xx
Thanks girls, little bit embarrassed i've posted this now, I just got a bit scared and nobody's home and BF is at work so neededsomeone to talk to, wish bloody doctor would get his skates on! xxx
Never be embarrassed hun, you know you can share anything with us


Well the doctor was about as helpful as a chocolate teapot and very rude now I just feel like crying 'I highly doubt you're pregnant I think you probably just have a stomach bug and you're paranoid that it's pregnancy' oh yes doctor because I often have stomach bugs that cause back pain and sore breasts. Why don't they even listen to you patronising rude people!! :'(
This happened to me about 8 weeks ago, driving home from a friends 45 mins away!! I didn't but almost did, I ran up the stairs just in time, awful. I had cramps all night. I hope you feel better soon, it's horrible xx
lol never had it before, I fully appreciate that yes I do have a stomach bug I'm not an idiot but it hurt the way he dismissed me trying to explain I have a sharp pain in my back and abdomen he could have tried to reassure me rather than say 'I highly doubt you're pregnant' Oh do you really doctor I didn't realise you could see me through the phone. ARGH frustrated and ill FML this is not going to be my month at all is it :'(
I had this on Saturday night, I was fine when I went to bed, then woke up about 3am with really intense pains in my tummy then had to literally run to the loo and ended up sat on the loo all night, by morning I felt fine again! I dont know if it might affect very early pregnancy but it certainly doesnt seem to have affected my baby as he is still kicking me like mad, although I was worried at first. I cant believe how rude your Dr was, how does he know either way if you are or arent pregnant yet so he shouldnt have just dismissed your worries, he could have at least said well if you are then I am sure it wont have affected it, or something like that instead of being so rude! hope you feel a bit better now x
physically I actually feel better already which is very strange I ate some dry cereal (first proper food in two days cause of nausea) and it came on all of a sudden and now I seem to be better apart from this pain in my back, thanks bunnykins, it just upset me because i'm in no denial that i'm a crazy symptom spotting pregobsessive much like lots of women on here but that doesn't mean he knows i'm not and he should have been more polite! If i get my BFP this month, which I doubt, i'm going to march up to my surgery demand to see him and throw my peestick on his desk..or in his coffee!! ;) xx
I had a bad runny tummy in the few few weeks of pregnancy..Just before I got my BFP and for a few weeks after x It does sound like a bug though, but just thought you might like to know xx
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aw hun :hug: ur doc sounds very rude! idiot! i havent had this in my pregnancy but been badly constipated! hehe! but everyone is different hun
thanks girls, i'm not holding out much hope for BFP because my main symptoms were stomach cramps and sickness and if that's all down to a virus i'm pretty sure AF with make a timely arrival at the weekend :/ but I do still have this nagging pain in my back. maybe I need a new bed? x
Oh My!!

Was mortified for you when i read this, altho pls forgive me i did have to stifle an embarrasment giggle

I too, know the curse of IBS

x x x
I was laughing at the time aswell as cringing and thinking oh dear lord what has happened to me haha, ah well it's all out there now, my dignity is gone and turns out my so-called baby symptoms amounted to nothing more than a bad case of the shits! lmao, at least I won't need to buy a test this weekend Isuppose, on the plus side i've lost five pounds (Y) x

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