Gross TMI...

Tracey M

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2010
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Ok ladies - discharge question ahead.....

I have had discharge for weeks and weeks now - enough to merit a panty liner every day - always been tinged yellow. Got a sweep on Tuesday and got a little bleeding followed by "the show" loads of lovely mucus etc. On Thursday I got another sweep and pretty much just a huge increase in discharge. Yesterday I got what was like another show but now I'm getting worried things not normal downstairs :whistle:
I have lots and I mean lots of discharge - someone said on another thread that it was like a giant had sneezed in their pants and that is the best description ever.... Its like mucus and light green - just like when you have a horrid cold and have all that green crap - when you blow your nose - exactly like it - same consistency and colour etc.
Now I dont know if thats normal but at the same time I have the most itchy back passage - its sooooo sore to poo and I reakon I must have internal piles - no blood or anything but its so painful.
Put the 2 together and I'm really not feeling good down there - it hurts to even sit down. I also had my urine checked on Thursday and midwife said it had signs of infection so I dunno now if thats from urine or I may have infection in discharge?
I think my plan of action is to make a doctor appointment on Monday morning but just wanted to pick brains of you lovely ladies out there who may know or have an idea what is wrong or if its all normal??
Maybe best to check there isn't an infection, esp if your starting to get really uncomfortable down there. It could just be a big show and things won't be long but you don't want an infection there to deal with as well as giving birth and all the soreness that comes with that afterwards.
I agree best to get treated for infection to see if it all clears up.. I've had the extra dc and wearing panty liners everyday for it but theres nothing in my urine sample to say infection or anything.. I've got v sensitive skin down there anyway and the pantyliners are NOT helping matters!!
I hope it all clears up for you it's not nice :(
Did Ye midwife not send your urine to the lab when there were signs of infection? X they'd normally do a urinalysis if there r raised white blood cells, and you'd get a prescription for antibiotics through x can u call your midwife and ask her, or it might be in your notes at the back xx

I know a lit of discharge is common, but if your in pain id maybe give your midwife a call x

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