OH at booking in appt...


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2010
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Did anyone else take their OH with them to their booking in appt with midwife?

I'm taking mine with me tomorrow for a few reasons....he can help me remember stuff, he can hold my hand when she takes blood and he will feel a part of it all

Oh wow how exciting for you hun & it will be lovely to have his support there with you to :hugs:

My OH comes to all my appointments. He wasnt allowed in at the start of the booking in appointment tho coz they ask you about domestic abuse and if theres a risk to u and the baby, but once thats done they can come in. i assume its the same everywhere. x
Hi - Your partner is not allowed in with you at my hospital in Northern Ireland either due to the questioning about dometic violence etc. They make the men stay in the waiting room.
He may also know his medical history better than you..... Genetics from both parents are important :)

my oh was with me the whole time at my booking, didnt have the domestic abuse talk at all!!! each place is different but you do either need to take him with you or know his family medical history as they like to have it if they can!!!

plus the hand holding . . . ewwww bloods!!!
I took mine to my booking in appt, and also to my early scan (obv) xx lol x

He is VERY squeamish my OH...and wanted to wait outside when I went for scan, I swear he must have thought they were going to slice me open or something!! Don't know how he's going to handle the blood and other stuff when I go into labour... :shock: xx
I take my OH with every one that I can and if I can't take him I tend to take SIL cause its always nice to have some one by your side especially when you start hearing the HB xx
I had no questions about domestic violence and my OH came with me. As both he and I like him to be as involved as he can :)
OH is coming with me, there's no way I can remember all the things about his family (there's so many of them and I have no idea about their medical histories)

Was asked about DV at my booking for my first pregnancy whilst my then OH was in the room, as if someone would admit it with the offending OH there.

My main thing for Saturday (booking appointment) is that I can get the reassurance that I won't be sent to the hospital that has bought me to tears and made me worried about going into labour when the time comes.
Yes my hubby comes with me everytime he likes to hear the heartbeat and usually has more questions to ask than me haha x
I'm going to take my DH with me. I want to do this together cos we both wanted a baby so we should go to all the appts together. Plus his family medical history is quite complex and I wouldnt get it right.
yes my OH has came to the first ap and got hopefully a scan next week and he will be at my side all through it together is the way forward (He is even right next to me holding my hand when im being sick at 2am!!!awwww) :)) xx
going in half an hour....feel so nervous!!! thanks everyone for replies xx

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