Official 3rd Tri Moan!!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2008
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Its funny as I have spent the last couple of months reading about other mums to be in the last few weeks of pregnancy, and the discomfort they were experiencing - I used to wonder if it was really all that bad.........well I can officially now say


My bump is so hard and tight now that it feels so sore and strained, my groin constantly aches, I cant sleep due to heartburn, and the most dreadful sciatic pains in my buttocks, I have to crawl up stairs on my hands and knees (they are very steep), I can no longer lie or sit on the sofa in an evening for more than 30 mins without being in so much discomfort, I have to pee at least 4 times a night and hobble to the loo as my joints get so seized in bed, my constipation is back with avengence and I have the worse thrush ever - I feel so uncomfortable all the time!!!!!!!!!

I can now fully sympathise with all the other ladies that have had a moan in the last stages of their pregnancies!!

Anyone else want to join me for a good ole moan???
awww hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I'm not too bad at the moment, but I guess there are still a few weeks left to change that for me!

I do sympathise with sore hips at night though....and getting comfy on the sofa is just not happening either :(

have some :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I'm not quite at the moaning 'til I burst stage yet but YOU GO GIRL!

I remember it from last time very clearly, it's partly why I've found this pregnancy easier so far- because this time I know what's to come!!

Have you tried sitting on a kitchen chair to watch TV? I've been doing that for a few weeks now, or piling all the sofa cushions under you so you're sitting on a tower of them, or a gym ball? It's just that your whole body is uncomfortable all the time isn't it?

It will be over soon though and although you'll be sore afterwards you will be able to sit, lie, bend, breathe, eat without heartburn etc etc almost immediately.

Huge hugs hun :hug: :hug: :hug:

Hi Ellie

Moan away :hug: - I understand where you are coming from I have had a healthy pregnancy and been lucky with no problems & ussed to look at the posts in Tri 3 and think it wont be bad for me.

Well the last three days I am finding i am waking up loads in the night with dead/dull aching legs and they are so painful and feel guilty as keep waking DH up but he is still going out to work. I also feel the constant need to run to the loo. So worry about going anywhere in case there isnt a loo nearby :shock:
My sciatica is driving me insane. I feel housebound. I can hardly walk, I can hardly drive, I cant stand up for more than 5 mins without being in the worst pain. I feel like my legs are going to give way all the time. Its making me miserable :( The hospital still havnt contacted me about my physio and Im starting to get very annoyed lol
:lol: so glad you posted this - I have felt great until a week ago but now I am fed up and feel like I am constantly moaning :-) poor family is having to put up with a really grumpy me.....

I know just what you mean about not getting comfortable on the sofa in the evenings - and to make matters worse my DH seems to want to sit with me all the time - when I walk (well hobble) back into the lounge and see him lying on the sofa using my pillow I actually want to stab him :twisted: I have real ants in my pants so after about 30 mins I have to get up and walk around or change position - I am spending more and more time sitting on my ball but last night he decided he would sit on that as it look comfie!!!

Night-times are a nightmare - I worry before I go to bed I wont sleep and then after about an hour I start to pee!!

To top it all I think I have picked up this horrid virus from my son so my chest feels all tight and my head aches..... I have given in and taken a couple of paracetamol but now feel really guilty about that too...

:lol: dont get me wrong I really want my LO but I just cant help being grumpy :lol:

Jane x
nope, im not going to moan today...... Its the first in ages where i haven't woke myself up gagging, just to try and have to run to the loo in time (which is difficult when i can't walk let alone run!!) :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: regardless of anything else, im happy for that small relief!!

plus alice is finally over the worst of her cold / cough. She is finally letting me sit on the sofa without wanting to jump on my lap and squish me (although, i am missing my cuddles slightly).

the amount of nights ive been tempted to set up a bed using cushions on the floor in front of the loo :rotfl:
I'm with you there! I actually felt a little better for a while when I finished work but now I think people avoid me because all I do is moan if I get half a chance (and even if I don't!) :oops:

It has definitely got worse since being overdue though as every day feels like an eternity. At least when I was moaning pre 40 weeks the time seemed to going reasonably quickly! :wall:

It does you good to have a nice old moan though and we can all sympathise so moan away! :hug: :hug: :hug:
tbh physically, as in walking ect im doing fine, no swelling so far and i can walk for a good few hours, although tiring, at the stage with Hope i was almost bed bout due to my size, i spend a good couple of hours a day cleaning, i sorted all of our dining room out last night too. I think its because i have made sure i stay active all the time this time and it has helped alot. Im quite sick of not being able to sleep but i keep telling ymself its good practice :rotfl:
I think this was a good idea. I'd love to have a good moan, but no one seems to appreciate just how painful preg is. Its just impossible to relax or get comfy. I havent had a good night's sleep in weeks, my hips are so sore & I constantly need to pee. I find it really hard to walk anywhere because of the stabbing pains... Plus I'm unbearable, so grumpy all the time. I know my OH is glad to go to work!! At least it should all be over as soon as the baby comes :dance: :dance: . Only 4 1/2 weeks to go...... xx
Neil and I nearly came to blows last night - he told me he was fed up of waiting for the baby to arrive. He clearly has no idea how I feel (despite me telling him repeatedly!) He's lucky I'm not good at throwing, that's all I can say! :shakehead:
Mel&Bean said:
tbh physically, as in walking ect im doing fine, no swelling so far and i can walk for a good few hours, although tiring, at the stage with Hope i was almost bed bout due to my size, i spend a good couple of hours a day cleaning, i sorted all of our dining room out last night too. I think its because i have made sure i stay active all the time this time and it has helped alot. Im quite sick of not being able to sleep but i keep telling ymself its good practice :rotfl:

I'm the same this time Mel. By this stage with Brody I was sat doing nothing and swollen everywhere! I'm only 31 weeks though so things could change!

I really feel for all of you suffering :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Must admit though the one thing that is pissing me off is i dont get one minute for myself at all, from hope or Gal, im always doing something, i post on here while Hopes running riot usually :rotfl: Plus Gals beign a dick today so i told him to go out and not bother returning :lol:
Oh I feel so much better knowing I am not seems all of a sudden my body has said "no more"! I had been really fit and active, and I did still walk the dog for over a mile yesterday, but when I got home I could bearly stand up, and was in unbearable pain!

It seems very quickly my body has given up, and the pain I get in my leg joint/bottom of my buttocks at night is absolutely unbearable - feels like a very severe cramp! I end up turning over in bed every 20-30 mins with the pain and wake up when I need to turn over........

Oh well not long to go now!!!

:hug: :hug: to you all
hey can i join the club?

I was doing fine until about 31 weeks and then a new list of ailments arrived:

Insomnia - now waking every hour or lying there awake for 4 hours
Piles - found on Xmas day when i got stuck on the loo for an hour crying with constipation
Stretch marks - after i had convinced myself i was so lucky and wasn't gonna get any...
Pyschotic behaviour - the worst row ever on NYE with OH - and we never row!
Itchy armpits - skin pigmentation and itchiness (WTF...anyone else got this???)

This is as well as the ongoing:
Back ache
Groin pain
Blocked nose when waking
Dry mouth - i am drinking a pint of water through the night alone!!
Sore boobs
Pain standing/walking/lying

And the best of it all, is it is only going to get worse!!!!

hey can i join the club?

I was doing fine until about 31 weeks and then a new list of ailments arrived:

Insomnia - now waking every hour or lying there awake for 4 hours
Piles - found on Xmas day when i got stuck on the loo for an hour crying with constipation
Stretch marks - after i had convinced myself i was so lucky and wasn't gonna get any...
Pyschotic behaviour - the worst row ever on NYE with OH - and we never row!
Itchy armpits - skin pigmentation and itchiness (WTF...anyone else got this???)

This is as well as the ongoing:
Back ache
Groin pain
Blocked nose when waking
Dry mouth - i am drinking a pint of water through the night alone!!
Sore boobs
Pain standing/walking/lying

And the best of it all, is it is only going to get worse!!!!


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