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fed up

Well girlies, I'm also fed up I looked yesterday in my wardrobe to see what i could wear that was comfy, there was nothing!!! My wardrobe is full with normal size 12 and 14's and it's killing me because I soooo want to wear them. :(
I'm uncomfy in anything I wear apart from pj's and wish he would come abit quicker now just so i can feel normal again. I woke up this morning OH was already awake watching football, and i just burst into tears!!!!! I mean what's that all about. :?
These last 5 weeks can not go any quicker even if I tried I don't think.
I might try some retail theropy for when he's here to make me feel better? but it's like what size will I need if my normal 14's don't fir now will they fit once i've had him ? ? :think:
Too many questions sorry girlies I wasn't meant to come on moaning. hope eveyone is having a nice easter, Dionne I hope you got Dior a lovely easter egg to get mesy with. :dance:
yep Dior got filthy with her easter egg lol i thought it was white chocolate until i opened it :roll:

do u think we could get away with wearing are pjs out the house? pregnancy wouldnt be half as bad then?? well iv done it once they just looked like joggers but oh was ashamed as he knew they were pjs :(

yh bump bands are cool u get to buy normal trendy tshirts then in bigger sizes as it dont matter if they rool up cause the bump bands underneth, i got a blue one and white one.

i had some pinaple earlier as i heard it gets things moving :think:
then walked round the park with Dior as we got her a new car toy to sit in so kris can push her. but they walk to fast for me :cry:
i look like the big waddeling penguin miles behind.
but im sure if i go any faster the baby would fal out
I have heard about the things to try if you want to speed things up abit, I do want him here quicker and I am on holiday from work all week so I think I might try some new tactics to get things moving?? is it the right thing to do ? :think:
Well he's been less movable today ans now when I'm resting he's laying on one side just to make it uncomfy for me to sit down!!! :wall:
I think If I could get away with wearing Pj's all day out the house too I would I think. lol

Well i hope you managed to get the choc off her bless.! At least easter is nly once a year hey! :lol:
i bet i wont go in to labour when i would love too, c this bank hol would have been great then Dior could stay with her daddy and visit me, and i want tit to all start when im clean and fresh just outs the bath with nice clean hair...

with Dior i had been out the house since 7am in work allday smelly and greasy hair then i went straight out shopping for my waters to break went to hospital in filthy clothes with no hospital bag ready!!!!!

ild like to be ready this time lol, yh iv tryed pineapple and fast long walks oh and sex the other day but that was horrid (sorry iv just gone soooo off sex xince being preg)
i have hot lavenda bath every night.....
next im going to try a scary movie and a hot curry as iv heard this helps too
Dionne, go see Am American Haunting! Went to see it last night, very scary, bump went CRAZY!
Of course, that could have been the popcorn.....
well girls if your getting close and want a scary film to set you off try the exorcism of emily rose ive just watched it and its very jumpy and really put the frightners on me in a few places :shock: definately one to watch i jumped so much my whole body hurts not just my bump xxxxx
I have had the worst night sleep of my life last night - have been awake since 3am. I sleep loads better when Dh is on nights, think that I am going to have to ask him to sleep in spare room but feel mean on him!

I was supposed to be meeting a friend and her DH for lunch today but I can't be bothered - I look and feel like rubbish, have black circles round my eyes and feel so tired it's untrue - I made an excuse to get out of it.

DH has just cleaned the rabbit out - he had the cheek to say to me, don't worry darl it's all done now to which I replied, don't worry darl all the dusting, sweeping and hoovering got done yesterday while you were playing football - cheeky sod!!!

Think I might eat an Easter Egg to feel better :)

um easter egg, i might go and buy loads as there all be in the sale now :lol:

im going to the fair tonight with all my family.....
awwwww man i lurve the fair, i dont think il be aloud to go on the walsers thou... do u?
but then again it might get labour started!!!!! :lol: :dance:
Any ideas why I keep being sick in my mouth, sorry if TMI :oops:

sick in your mouth!!!!! like small amount of vomit? never heard of this one! could it be from heartburn? bring up acid?

I'm still sleeping like a baby.. don't get up once to go the loo... hope i haven't spoken too soon! i'm hoping/preying that i manage to sleep okay right upto to the end... i'm a miserable cow when i'm tired...

i've got one of those bump bands although it doesn't fit right... i got mine from top shop in white... they only had M/L - it doesn't look that big but it's really loose around my back... stick out thru tops....

i feel so sorry for you girls who are in the last few weeks.... everyone keeps telling me "wait till you get to week 36 - it gets awful" THANK YOU!!!

If you want to go out in your PJ's - you do it!!!!

lindsay id agree with hayley on this one maybe its a bit of acid reflux where there is no room anymore inside you avoid spicy food hot drinks greasy food sleep on extra pillows and drink lots of milk maybe try some peptac or gaviscon eat little and often dont overload stomach and if all else fails pop and see your gp hun xxxx

hayley the last few weeks are horrendous sorry hunny xxxxxxxx

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