Offensive Remarks


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2007
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I was on the phone to my middle sister today. She is only a year younger than me and very broody, a feeling heightened by the fact that she's single atm. My youngest sister has had to deal with her jealousy over her two daughters and she is beginning to do the same with me.

During this phone call she said to me, "Have you come on yet?". As it happens I was able to deal with it ok, saying something like "Of course not, I'm pregnant." But coming off the phone it's really riled me.

What sort of a sister effectively wishes a miscarriage on you just because she's jealous of your pregnancy?

Sorry, just needed to vent.
Cheers! She's got a bit of a talent for things like this, unfortunately. I dont' think she thinks before she opens her mouth!
AllieW said:
What sort of a sister effectively wishes a miscarriage on you just because she's jealous of your pregnancy?


she'll get her turn one day and then she'll wonder why the hell she said something like that :hug:
AllieW said:
What sort of a sister effectively wishes a miscarriage on you just because she's jealous of your pregnancy?
:shock: is that what she meant? thats evil :(
jealously can make people say stupid things

when i was pregnant my sister said she was going to punch me in my stomach :roll:
I'm hoping it was just stupidity and that she wasn't thinking. But she's said some horrid things to my other sister in the past when she was pregnant (that she'd missed her pill on purpose/shouldn't be having the baby etc). Mercifully in both cases this seems to have vanished once the babies have arrived so I'm hoping that's the case here.
Charlotte & Emily said:
jealously can make people say stupid things

when i was pregnant my sister said she was going to punch me in my stomach :roll:
OMG! i kno shes ur sister but u shouldve called the police thats scary

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