budge said:
Squiglet said:
Having periods isn't an indignity... Its natural and normal...
so is child birth but how many women have epidurals (there are risks in that) and how many elect c sections (a major op and in some case of child birth unnessesary)
this is a unique case. As is every case. and should be treated as such .
Er... Having periods or child birth isn't an indignity, but what you are talking about budge ie c sections and epidurals doesn't relate to that comment. what you are talking about is not the indignity of periods and child birth, but ways of relieving pain from the child birth part.
As it stands...and I dare any woman on here who has experienced childbirth to disagree... but periods are NO WAY near as painful as popping a baby out.

That's why women opt for these things and as it stands doesn't relate to the question at hand...
And I am also sorry...but having cerebal palsy does not mean that a person is mentally deficient... that's just such a prejudicial thing to say. So many people have that attitude towards handicapped people and it really gets to me.

I have spent almost all my life with one or more handicapped people... and I can assure everyone, that they are really deep thinkers, and have much wisdom to impart... they just struggle with communications, so everyone says... Oh well they can't make decisions for themselves, we have to do it for them... and that's just rubbish!!!. If they can't verbalize what they want then don't do anything, if it ain't broke don't fix it... ! If their life is in danger,, then fine... you have to make a decision whether to save that life or let it lie... but this girl will not die if they leave her womb in place atm.
A handicapped person may not be able to communicate with the outside world like ordinary people, but they are still people with thoughts and feelings and emotions... and should be treated with respect... I wouldn't go up to anyone, ordinary or otherwise, and say...I'm just going to take part of your body away, because you don't need it or understand what to do with it... that's invasive.
No one here needs their appendix anymore, its from our cave dwelling days when we ate grass and roots... but how would you feel if I drugged you and took it out tomorrow just because I wanted to without you having any say in the matter... would you be happy with having a stomach op for that reason?.. or would you feel like your rights had been compromised?... You don't need it so why should it bother you!.