

Well-Known Member
May 19, 2005
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hi guys

need some advice if thats ok

my sister is 5 months pregnant, now we dont get on very well, she is as stubbon as i am and has the most terrible temper.
as you know, i dont get on with my nan very well either, shes always out to cause trouble.

my sister and my nan have had a massive arguement, they both insist they are in the right, my older sister has now jumped in and taken sides with my nan.

she was going to give my pregnant sister her old pram, cot and mosses basket, but now is saying she can only have it f she says sorry, and of course, being as stubbon as me, she is refuseing to.

now i know my pregnant sister can be a handful, but shes pregnant alone and scared, im worried about how shes going to cope.

my nan can be very evil when called for so i also understand if my sister doesnt want to say sorry.

i have just seen a cheap pram on ebay, comes with cosy toes and rain covers, im wondering wether i should buy it for my sister but at teh same time, dont want to cause trouble with my other sister and my nan.

what would you do? do you think i should buy it for her to help her out?
she isnt working and was very silly to get pregnant but things happen and now she has to deal with it.

bidding ends soon so please reply soon

There seems to be bad feelings between every one already.... I can't see what difference a pram would make, so I guess, go for it!

You're kind to do that Layla.... I just hope it's not thrown back in your face.... worse case scenario.... put it back on ebay!!(at a profit no doubt :D)

Good luck :wink:
Emilia xx
personally i think if u can then go for it.
if u need to explain urself to your other sis an nan u should just say your not gettin involved but felt you had to help pg sis out as she needs it??
i think ur very kind to do this.
Thats really kind of you Layla, its a lovely buggy, she'll be over the moon im sure....let us know what she says x
Layla I think it's nice of you to see past you and your sisters problems to help her when she needs it. Maybe this is the start of you both sorting out your differences and making friends again too.
Hi Layla

Like Urchin says, hopefully this will help your relationship with your sis and I think it's unlikely that it will cause probs between your other sis, if they make up she can still give her the other things.

Really nice and kind gesture if you ask me :clap:

cheers guys,

my dad has brought the rain covers and cosy toes for it and my friend has offered her car seat.

i had already given her a baby bath set and some clothes, all she needs now is a cot and mosses basket.

might get a cheap one on ebay for her birthday or something

Great Layla, it's really nice of you to do that, you're a good sister :D
Thats so kind.

i was going to say go for it but got to the end of the thread and saw that you already had! was going to say that your future neice or nephew is innocent in this and still needs stuff no matter what the familys feelings towards its mum. he/she is lucky to have such a fab aunty :D


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