sPoOkY StUfF ......dar dar dar dar

yea but who wants me when i have leah, no1 wants a g/f who has a baby, i just wnna know if im ever gunna move on n get over rob, its been 3 months n im crumblin n fed up of being a miserable idiot. I just so wanna b able to show rob im over him, but he knows im not n hes happy to see me really depressed whilst he flaunts his new g.f. I just wanna know that im gunna get better if u get me - god i dnt wanna turn this into a 'me' thread so will shut up. sorry dionne/budge
go to ebayand search for angel cards. loads of results!
Tori said:
yea but who wants me when i have leah, no1 wants a g/f who has a baby, i just wnna know if im ever gunna move on n get over rob, its been 3 months n im crumblin n fed up of being a miserable idiot. I just so wanna b able to show rob im over him, but he knows im not n hes happy to see me really depressed whilst he flaunts his new g.f. I just wanna know that im gunna get better if u get me - god i dnt wanna turn this into a 'me' thread so will shut up. sorry dionne/budge

tori don't be so down on yourself! you will find someone when the time is right. :hug: right now i sense is not really the right time for you. reckon you will be better off spending time alone with leah and getting to know yourself.
as i am writing this i can hear an owl outside!!!!!!! seriously i think thats an omen. Owls are wise.

when i am feeling sdown on myself i remember a lovely poem

happiness is like a butterfly
the more you chase it
the more it eludes you
but if you turn your attention to other things
it comes and sits softly of your shoulder

Tori said:
yea but who wants me when i have leah, no1 wants a g/f who has a baby, i just wnna know if im ever gunna move on n get over rob, its been 3 months n im crumblin n fed up of being a miserable idiot. I just so wanna b able to show rob im over him, but he knows im not n hes happy to see me really depressed whilst he flaunts his new g.f. I just wanna know that im gunna get better if u get me - god i dnt wanna turn this into a 'me' thread so will shut up. sorry dionne/budge

hun you will be soo happy soon i am sure

its not like your really old - you have time on your side - you will meet some one soon i am sure - might be worth going to see a spirtulist see if any one comes through to you and have any messages for guidence?
budge said:
go to ebayand search for angel cards. loads of results!

you can get readings done via ebay too make sure they have good feed back though you send them your name and a picture and they have spirts come through for you they write every thing down and send it back to you - my friend can do it but because she was new to ebay she had no feed back so was only getting bids upto about £3 and it was about 2 hours worth of writing she was having to do
Tori said:
yea but who wants me when i have leah, no1 wants a g/f who has a baby, i just wnna know if im ever gunna move on n get over rob, its been 3 months n im crumblin n fed up of being a miserable idiot. I just so wanna b able to show rob im over him, but he knows im not n hes happy to see me really depressed whilst he flaunts his new g.f. I just wanna know that im gunna get better if u get me - god i dnt wanna turn this into a 'me' thread so will shut up. sorry dionne/budge

**shakes Tori** Stop talking like that hun. I know its hard, but please try not to feel down. Enjoy this time you have with just you and your daughter, you'll miss it when someone new comes along.

When my ex... my sons father left me, I didnt think anyone would ever want me, so every guy I met I would 'forget' to tell them I had a child. Until I met Owain... who I fell for madly. Hes taken my son and treated him as his own. Zack calls him daddy and no1 sees it any ther way.

You will find someone hun. I can promise you xx :hug:
thanks budge/dionne :hug: :hug: - am really sorry i didnt mean to turn this into a me thread - just ment that, thats y i want to have my cards read cos i really need to know that things will get better.

Budge - that poem made me cry,im just am inpatient person lol n just me n rob to be the family we were

I think i might do that dionne, but having trouble finding someone in my area, will have to do proper research, i dont wanna go to some fake :shock:
On my SIL hen weekend in Blackpool one of her friends came back from the toilet saying she had just been talking to MY Mum :think: :think: . Now my Mum didnt come on the weekend as she was in Ireland :shock: . She described her down to a T, said she was wearing all the same silly stuff as us and told us all to have a great time and have a few drinks for her aswell.
This friend is quite Phsycic and I got a bit worried. Called Mum first thing in the morning and she told me she had more or less had a breakdown that night was crying and crying. Its like she tapped into her sadness or something. Freaked me out
One of my sister's is quite heavily pregnant atm. Her daughter keeps getting into bed with them at night and my sister gets too hot, so she tends to go and get into her daughter's bed. A few weeks ago when it was really hot, she went into her daughter's room and it was freezing, she was really grateful and climbed into bed. A few minutes later, she saw what she thought was her daughter standing in the doorway of the room, she pulled the quilt back and said "get into bed with Mummy" but the little girl didn't move. My sister sat up and realised it wasn't my niece but a younger little girl, holding a bottle. She said the little girl looked familiar. So familiar that she thought the child had wandered in from a neighbours house. She asked the little girl where she had come from but the little girl just stood there.

My sister then realised that she wasn't "real", but had an instinctive feeling that she had to stay and look after her. However she was so scared that she pulled the quilt over her head. She stayed awake about half an hour, then when she looked again she was gone.

The next morning she went to my Mum's and was telling her the story. She described the little girl as having something wrong with her nose - it was flattened and too wide.

My Mum then told us that our sister who died had had her nose damaged by the tubes, it was ripped at both nostrils and would have needed plastic surgery had she survived. Noone but my Mum and Dad have ever known that - they thought it too distressing to tell anyone else - and this was in the days when SC babies didn't get any visitors other than Mum and Dad.
The sister who saw this little girl is the youngest sister. The sister who died was a twin and they were the middle children. She looked so familiar as my sister has seen photos of her twin at the same age.

I have to admit I worried about my sister's baby for a while - I wondered if this was some way of saying your baby will be looked after if anything went wrong - but LO is fine :D
Just my kind of thread :D

Firstly Tori, Budge is spot on and that poem brought a lump to my throat! You will find happiness again, not only that but be happier than you ever thought possible, but first you have to heal and get your strength back - and you will in time, you have to believe that :hug:
I do think though that while mediums and spiritualists are great for guidance, I dont think they help when you are as low as you are feeling right now, as you will only project negative emotions and attract negative responses. Plus if you do find yourself with a charlatan they will want to cash in on your pain and I wouldnt wish that on anyone.
I do read tarot, I have been doing them for about 18 years, and Oracle cards, and I am a witch, joking aside :lol: Id be happy to do you a reading tomorrow sometime, PM me your email address and I'll give it a go. Ive been pretty spot on in the past and would love to help.

Back on topic though, my beliefs are centred around experiences ive had, Im open minded but I'm also a "see it to beleive it" person, and I think ive been lucky enough to experience the most amazing things!

When I was about 12 I used to get the school bus and always sat in the same place - front left corner on the top deck. It was MY seat lol (I dont know if anyone understands school bus politics but they are very complex and your seat is your seat only :rotfl: )
I had a dream that I was on the bus in my normal place, when the bus crashed into a tree and all I saw was this bough coming towards me, glass shattering, and then I woke up with a major headache and ringing in my ears. I thought it was just a dream but some instinct told me not to go to school that day, so I pretended I was sick and stayed home. The bus crashed into a bough that morning, no-one was seriously hurt, just a few cuts from the glass, but the seat I would have been sat on got the worst damage and as it was MY seat, no-one was sat there.

When I was 14 (I had just started getting into tarot and witchcraft etc) I had planned a day trip to london with some friends. Myself, my best friend, her boyfriend and he's best mate who I had a crush on. My friends boyfriend was going to drive. (they were a bit older than us :oops: ) Anyway the night before I had a very vivid lucid dream that we were on the motorway, my friend and I in the back, her BF driving and he's mate was in the front passenger seat but he was fading in and out, one minute he was there the next he wasnt. We were laughing at something and then I looked up and we were heading for the back of a lorry, I screamed and we hit it, and the car exploded, I could feel the flames burning my skin and I woke up sweating and screaming and I could smell burning flesh.
So I told my friend about it when she came to collect me and said that I didnt think we should go, but she asked what colour the car was, I told her red and she said well he's car is blue so it cant be true.
We got to her BF's house and hes friend wasnt there yet, he said he wasnt sure if he was going to be there or not (in my dream I wasnt sure if he was there or not, fading in and out) and then that he had a problem with his car so he was going to borrow his mums. I asked what colour his mums car was - it was red. I told him about my dream and refused to go, especially after my last dream warning, so no-one did. I'll never know if it would have really happened or not but it was a little too much of a coincidence to take the risk!

Ive had many many dreams like that since, but none that potentially saved my life - just little insignificant things like parts of conversations that then happen the next day, certain symbols or numbers that occur repeatedly the day after dreaming about them, just random stuff - I think I do have the potential to be quite psychic but ive never felt the need to develop it, it helps me read people and work with tarot and my other witchy stuff and that suits me fine.

Some other wierd stuff thats happened - just before I moved to Croydon I was up there for the weekend doing job interviews etc staying in a hotel. Me and my mate (kazlin on here, she can back this up lol) had gone out for the night and these stupid little chavs had been trying to chat us up, we were not interersted lol! Anyway we left the club about 3am and I then realised I couldnt remember the way back to the hotel. It was walking distance and not very far, I just couldnt remember the way lol. So we started walking in the general direction i thought it was. These lads followed us, about 4/5 of them, and started shouting some quite crude stuff after us and we were getting a bit worried. We are both witches so we protected ourselves mentally and asked for assistance. Just as these lads were REALLY starting to freak us out, we're talking potential attack here, this big black guy with dreads appeared out of nowhere, put his arm around our shoulders as if he knew us, asking if we were ok. We felt instantly safe with him. The lads legged it and this guy walked us back to the hotel, chatting about all his travels around the world, the places he had seen etc. It wasnt until we were at the hotel entrance and he gave us both a hug and said goodbye, that we realised we hadnt even told him where we were trying to get to! We think he was some kind of guardian angel but I guess its open to interpretation :D

About a year ago I was out with friends in Cardiff and needed about £5 at the end of the night to get the train home. I went to the bar with my last £10 note and bought a round which came to about £9, and as the girl walked to the till with my money I suddenly realised I needed that to get home, and I kind of shouted in my head "give me my tenner back!" She gave me change for a 20 so I got my tenner back!! :dance:

Theres so so many of these things that ive experienced but ive just realised ive written a frickin novel here so wont bore you any longer :rotfl:
Oh - I forgot about my dream - when I was about 15 I had a dream about my Great - grandad. I dreamt of the village where he lived and him standing outside one of the pubs saying if you need help come here. I asked my Gran and she said he never drank in that pub, he disliked it.
Years later I ended up homeless and living in a hostel, my housing worker was brilliant and rehoused me pretty quickly and on the day I went to look at my new flat she invited me to her house for tea. She lived right opposite the pub in the dream :shock:

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