Mother defends hysterectomy for disabled daughter

i think unless you have frist hand experience of it you cant really comment. if i read the headline mother wants hysterectomy for disabled daughter i start to think omg shes being selfish, lazy ect but im not her mother i dont know all the circumstances, what theyve been through whats best or right for her??
nathanmum said:
i think unless you have frist hand experience of it you cant really comment. if i read the headline mother wants hysterectomy for disabled daughter i start to think omg shes being selfish, lazy ect but im not her mother i dont know all the circumstances, what theyve been through whats best or right for her??

yes i agree. its a unique situation.
nathanmum said:
i think unless you have frist hand experience of it you cant really comment. if i read the headline mother wants hysterectomy for disabled daughter i start to think omg shes being selfish, lazy ect but im not her mother i dont know all the circumstances, what theyve been through whats best or right for her??

Well my mum is in exactly the same position as this lady.... my sister has terrible problems with incontinence.. (she has a lax bowel, has to take laxatives everyday otherwise she wouldn't go at all and ends up vomiting feces, so its a necessity, but in turn makes her incontinent in those parts), my sister can't cope with looking after her personal hygine with regards to periods, my mum and me do it... She looked into getting her periods stopped and went for an implant as an option, even though my mum is highly opposed to it, it was an alternative that helped... because my sister would be hysterical at the sight of blood...

my mum said she would never intentionally make my sister have an op done without it being necessary.... I think my mother has every right to say she believes that it is wrong to do otherwise as she is living that life right now.

The situation is unique... but really it's not that unique... there are hundreds of parents out there with handicapped kids, you don't really start getting involved with it, until you have handicapped kids in your family, and although many things would make the carer's lives easier, they're your family, your loved ones, you just roll up your sleeves and get on with it...
I think the only person to express a strong view on this case is the mother
we do not know all the facts and therefore should leve it to the health experts.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: to the mother and her daughter

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