Off her food :(


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2011
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For some reason lately Angel has been completely off her food (solids). I'm not sure whether to risk putting her down to 4 x 6oz bottles rather than the 8. She just doesn't seem to wanna know, not sure why exactly. Anyone elses LO do this? It sounds silly but I think she may have developed a bit of a sweet tooth already. I haven't fed her chocolates or sweets or anything like that, I don't intend to but I've fed her foods that are naturally sweet ie she has organic apple crumble tonight and she wolfed it down but wasn't too keen on the savoury stuff. I make my own yoghurt by using plain natural stuff with pureed mango or apple and she really likes it. Dunno what to do really :( xx
You could try reducing her milk as if it doesn't work it's easy enough to give her more iykwim
No idea of why she's going off her food, is she on more lumpy stuff yet? I've found that although the food gets lumpier fruit & puddings tend to still be runny purée so maybe it's s texture thing
she is only 6 months so i wounld't reduce her milk, as its the main source of nutrients for her. don't worry about it, they go through stages, and she won't starve herself!! try to relax at mealtimes, as i think my lo would sense when i was frustrated with her when i should really just trust her to know her own appetite!

homemade yoghurt rules!

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