What a baby should be eating at 8/9months?


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
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I just wondered what type/texture of food your babies are eating/eaten at 8/9months.

Layla has a 7oz bottle when she wakes (about 7am) but normally has about 6ozs
For Breakie she has a bowl of baby porridge (normally hipp organic)/wheatabix/readybreak (with mashed bananas)

snack e.g. organic rusk/banana/organix crisps

4oz bottle of milk
Bowl of semi mushed food (normally containing protein or meat) e.g. butternut squash and chicken (amount equivalent to about half jar of baby food)

4oz milk before eating
Bowl of semi mushed food (vegetable) e.g. tomato, cheese and pasta or chickpeas and chedder cheese
Yoghurt/pureed fruit
3oz milk before bed
Ellie started refusing anything off a spoon a few months back so now she has what have most nights and its all finger foods / chopped up food. She does sometimes now have her pudding or cereal off a spoon as long as she's feeding herself at the same time or shes really hungry :lol:

Here's a typical day:
Breakfast: Breastfeed then Toast / Potato Cakes / Fruit / Cereal
Mid Morn: Breastfeed
Dinner: Sandwich / Toast / Pitta usually with Cucumber / Carrot / Tomatoes then Fruit Chunks / Bickie / Rice Cakes / Yoghurt
Mid Aft: Breastfeed
Tea: Same as us as main but with extra veg then Pudding / Fruit Chunks / Bickie / Rice Cakes / Yoghurt
Bedtime: Breastfeed

Snacks: She has snacks throughout the day, we give her things like Fruit / Rice Cakes / Oatabix / Bread Sticks / Cheese etc

(ETA Snacks :))
Babies I've looked after have been having toast or Weetabix or some such for breakfast. Lunch has been things lile pasta, spag bol, chicken strips, cooked veggies (in sticks) and pudding usually yogurt with some fresh fruit. Tea time usually like lunch with things like cheese, sandwich and other things.

Snacks things like fruit, rice cakes or some such.

Texture wise its been things that need chewing. Not really been on puree or semi solid stuff unless it was that kind of meal (ie spag bol).

These are children I've nannied for and most were weaned on purees but a bit later than 4 months and then within a month usually were onto chewing foods. With my own I've gone the BLW route so skipping purees unless the meal is normally served that way (ie stewed apple).
Cally's typical day is usually

a boob feed first thing in the morning, then breakfast (either toast soldiers or mini weetabix softened in milk)

lunch - either a sandwich, or a pitta pizza (grilled pitta with sliced tomato and grated cheese, cut into fingers), or a toasted hot cross bun, rice cakes with cheese spread, eggy bread, or slices of cheese, with tomato cucumber, organix crisps etc etc

dinner - whatever we are having, as we have it but cut up if necessary (she had sausge and mash today with veg)

in between she has booby when she wants, its about 5 feeds a day at the mo.
connor has boob on demand throughout the day - it varies as to how many feeds as he's a bit of a snacker

for breakfast he has a bowl of plum porridge followed by a slice of toast cut into soldiers. sometimes he'll have a piece of fruit too.

for lunch he typically has a sandwich or a salad - v similar to cally

for dinner he has whatever we had the night before (we eat too late for him, so i always make too much and give him the leftovers the next day) - last night he had pasta in a tomato & veggie sauce. then he'll have fruit or a yoghurt for pudding.

he doesn't have anything pureed or mashed, just cut into finger food sized pieces if necessary. :D :D i always keep a couple of jars of food in the cupboard in case i forget to get something in for lunch/dinner - connor eats the 10+ month stage 3 hipp jars.
Ella has:

6oz bottle when she wakes up, then back to sleep!

Breakfast: Shreddies/mini shredded wheat/mini weetabix, toast, fruit and a yoghurt

Lunch: Sandwich, tomatoes, cucumber, cheese, Organix crisps, fruit

Mid afternoon: 6oz bottle

Dinner: What we are having (although we are starting to give her dinner earlier so she will have what we had the previous day) pasta, potatoes, veg, meat etc. Last night it was steak and potato wedges with tomatoes. Then a yoghurt or some sort of pudding - fruit puree etc.

Before bed: 9oz bottle

She also snacks on rice cakes, fruit, organix crisps etc. during the day.
Luke has;


HIPP Creamy Porridge
Toast with Marmite cut into fingers


Cheese or Billy Bear Ham sandwich cut into fingers
Organix finger foods


Cauli/Brocolli/Chicken Cheese (MummyMade :) ) or something like that. Last night we were out for dinner so he had sausages, mash, peas and yorkshire pud.
Fruitapura (he loves them!)
Rice Pudding or something similar
Slice of buttered bread if he wants it

I'm still scared with a lot of foods so not tried many things yet, but, we're getting there.

Off to buy some fish today to make something - some concoction I'm sure LOL!

Oh, and boob feeds as and when, although he feeds more at night.
Ella will have:

7oz Bottle with Daddy at 7:30am

Porridge, Weetabix or toast with me when I get up at about 9:30am :oops: (She sleeps again until then anyway!)

Sandwich, beans on toast or scrambled egg followed by a yogurt at about 12:30

7oz bottle at around 4pm

The same as us for dinner followed by fruit puree that daddy proudly made her :D
Lil miss is a grazer :lol:

6am.... boobs and boobs
9am.... cereal (baby kind or weetabix) with boob
11am...boob with a small snack (cheesy, rice cake, maria buiscuit)
2pm.... sandwich/fruit/yogurt/bread/veg...cheese etc... with boob of course
5pm ....snack (usually a bit of bread/cracker and cheese) and boob
7pm.... dinner which is whatever we are having ..with water
8pm.... boob

atm lil miss hasn't been well so finger foods have been out and I've indulged her with puree foods... I've had her cold and it feels like I'm swallowing broken glass every time I eat so its no wonder shes been favouring moosh.
7am: 6oz milk
9am: weetabix or ready brek
1pm: pasta, veg, potatoes, or something like that with 6oz milk
6pm: toast strips or a yogurt with 6oz milk
Kyrans really off his food at the mo but he use to eat;

first wakes 6oz bottle

8am 1 weetabix and 2 triangles of toast

12pm hes only just started eating stage 2 jars as hes really REALLY fussy with lumps. he'll eat about the same size portion as a stage 1 jar. or i give him finger food/ cheese on toast/ baby pasta shells and a sauce/ sandwich he loves pitta bread. he'll have a kiwi or banana chopped up for pudding and a yoghurt.

3pm 6oz bottle

5pm hes never that fused for tea, mainly has finger foods or similar to lunch and always fruit. i try and offer him veg but hes not keen at all so we're working on that

7.30pm to 8pm 6oz bottle

At the moment hes hardly eating anything :roll: he can be really fussy at times.
today Jared had...

5am - 5oz bottle
7.30 - 1 oatibix with 5oz formula 2 squares wholemeal toast with raspberry jam
9.45 - 5oz bottle
10.30 raisins
12.00 - annabel karmel salmon and cod fish pie, yeo valley yoghurt
2.30 5oz bottle
5.00 - chicken,mash,carrot,broc & cauli with cheese, chocolate biscotti
7.00 - 7oz

Harrison has:

7:30am 5oz of milk & two rusks (reduced sugar ones of course)
11:00am 5 oz of milk
12:30 2 x cubes (annabel karmel trays?) of something like chicken/veg & mash followed by a yoghurt or fruit puree
15:30 - 5oz bottle
17:30 Pretty much the same as lunch
19:30 - 5 oz bottle

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