Odd AF afer coming off the pill - TMI sorry!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2010
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Hi everyone,

This really is TMI so I apologise. I came off the pill last month and was quite pleased when AF arrived after 30 days because I thought that was quite a sensible cycle length. BUT this is the AF that I have now had (or it may continue I know not - day 8 is today) -

Day 1 - proper blood
Day 2 - proper blood
Day 3 - brown sludge
Day 4 - nothing most of time but a few spots of blood
Day 5 - nothing most of time but a few spots of blood
Day 6 - nothing
Day 7 - nothing
Day 8 - bit of brown sludge

Seems really odd to me and just wondered if anyone else had this when they came off the pill?

Any advice/thoughts welcome


Jodie x
Sounds about right to be honest jodie, but hey that's just me, were all different. And if you've only just come off the pill expect all sorts of strange goings on
Hey, similar situation to me - just come off the pill, and this is my first AF. Had a strange brown sludge as well, for first 2 days, so wasnt really sure if that was proper af, but now got quite a lot of blood as well. I had no cramps, or pmt symptoms (apart from a feeling of being 'down' and moody), and first month was exactly 28 days, which is handy.
Now on to day 5, and seems to be getting heavier. which is a shame, coz i was really light when i was on the pill - never mind hey! Just want to hurry up and finish so I can get on with rest of month!
It is completely normal hun, my first AF after coming off the pill only lasted 3 days but this time round it has been 6 days so far and still counting....... it is just our bodies getting back to normal after being on the pill.
Thanks very much ladies - I thought I was having an odd one and now feel very reassured! Big hugs and lots of :dust: to you all x
I came off the pill 3 month ago and mine have been like that too its normal. I keep spotting for like a week then have my period its so much different to being on the pill lol so i guess its just with your body getting used to not being on the pill :) Good luck xxx
I came off the pill 2 months ago and had the same sorts of odd goings on. had the brown sludge for a few days and the AF came 2 weeks after.

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