Coming off the pill


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2010
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Has anyone else noticed changes since coming off the pill?

My skin is horrendous. It's never been great tbh, but not bad. Ever since my second month off it, it's been pretty horrible and I'm getting actual sore spots down side of my jaw - really attractive!!

Also have noticed AF cramps are totally different feeling.

It's weird and I don't like it! Huff!

PS - Also noticed my moods are bad when on af!
Hey Laura!!

You have read my mind!!

I'm exactly the same, I had nice skin and now I have spots like you on my jaw and I hate all my foundations.

To top it off I've decided to stop being irresponsible using the sunbed and I miss my botox!!

And as you can tell by the tone of my message it's making me :mad: grumpy!!

Arrrrgggghh!!! Lol!!!

Lol thanks Maybe :) I'm glad I'm not the only one - selfishly! lol Sorry you're going thru the same thing though hun. Wonder why its the jaw? and they're like those inside spots that are sore and when you squeeze them it's the biggest mistake!

Have sunbeds helped? Am tempted! Am thinking of going to the docs. Feel rotten about them.

I loved coming off the pill because my sex drive shot through the roof. I know exactly when i ovulate because of lusting after random men on the bus, lol, i was really flatline when i didnt have periods, I cant believe i went through 10 years (having no periods) with such a blase attitude towards it!

On the flip side now that i am having periods again I have the worst PMT! Crying, shouting, throwing things, and cramps, whole days in bed with a hotwater bottle over my stomach, after years of being fairly cheerful and no emotional outbursts i feel like someone else 3 days a month.
I hear you with the PMT starfish! I think my sex drive has changed as well, although I sometimes wonder if that's baby related, although I hope it isn't! I think my oh might think it is though understandably. Poor fella!

Maybe - I'm sorry I read the last bit of your message wrong and thought you'd said you were being irresponsible with sunbeds. lol. Sorry. Botox though - really? What was that like? I'm tempted to try sunbed whilst the witch is here.

Hi Girls!

Yeah that's the only good thing about it Starfish, I was never in the mood before!

Laura, I've not been on the sunbeds as I was feeling like I already had to be responsible, I'm gonna give in tomorrow though!

I've actually had a antibiotic lotion from the docs, I've ran out at the mo though.

It's called Zyneyert or something, it's safe when TTC, it's good but it stinks a bit!

Give it a try..

Hi girls......

I stopped taking the pill in sept, and even though I was looking forward to stopping and getting back to natural cycles ( I hoped), I have felt tons different!

I felt symptoms of ovulating and sore boobs. Very moody and cry all the time........over nothing! My first normal period was a lot heavier and longer as well.

However on the plus side I feel much more like I used to, loads more sex drive which bothered me before as I was just not interested!!!

Fingers crossed it'll all be worth it!
Never been on the pill, but spots along my jawline and turning into the ultimate b1tch around AF is pretty standard for me :roll:
Hi girls......

I felt symptoms of ovulating and sore boobs. Very moody and cry all the time........over nothing! My first normal period was a lot heavier and longer as well.

Yup, welcome back to being a normal woman

I was having dinner with my ex-boyfriend a couple of days ago and he only dated me during the time when i was on depo. So I had no periods, no emotional highs and lows, I was just the same chilled out all month, or as he put it "much more like a guy". I didnt realise how wonderful it was until i had to go through periods again. But I do feel more like a normal female, headcase an all
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I found my skin was really bad for the first 6 months, but now it just fluctuates with my cycle so that may get a bit better in time.

I struggled coming off as it took over 2 years for my periods to come back - my longest cycle was 127 days! I started to think they'd never get anything like regular, but the last few have been around 35 days so that's agreat improvement.

PMT's a nightmare though - I've only noticed it since periods have been regular, but my word! I've never suffered the irrational crying thing before, but I just wake up and bawl on and off for a day or two. ODD!
it's nice to hear i'm not alone :) bloody love this forum.
i'm so much more emotional when af arrives. i've cried twice in the last two days. annoying!
i've noticed af is different. kind of lighter i think and a lot more brown tmi!!

starfish - thanks for the lotion tip. i have got duac in the past from the doc and have put in a repeat prescription, but am going to get an appt and ask about skin and may mention ttc so will ask about that.

Hi Laura anne,

Sorry to hear youre feeling a bit rubbish - i had the same thing, after a month or so off the pill i had a complete pizza face and i absolutely HATED it! I even had to go to my mums wedding with huge spots all over my chin and ive always prided myself on lovely skin before i think the whole family wondered where id gone wrong!!! lol.

It did settle down after a while though - and think of it as a sign that the pill is out of your system.. yey! x

I have recently come off the pill. Has anyone else had sore nippes? Or spotting of blood?
Thanks Cherelle. I hope so! Hope you're well babe.

Err One Day - you have the symptoms we all want! Lol. Have you tested?? xxx
i haven't felt that much different tbh. Maybe a bit more crampy on AF and possible a bit crampy round OV time oh and very HUNGRY round ov time, but apart from that ,nowt!
Sorry it's throwing so many of you into disarray :hug: maybe just take a bit of time to get back into the swing of things xx
I did notied my skin was a mess when I came off my pill. I took microgynon I think thats how you spell it lol years ago. But I hated being on it messed up my hormones silly I hate moods and stomach cramps bad on it.

But I felt relieved when I could be normal again because I usually forgot to take it haha....

I have recently come off the pill. Has anyone else had sore nippes? Or spotting of blood?

Not nipples or spotting, but breasts in general seem lower, heavier and ache like hell in the week before my period, actually they do hurt all month now, but it does get worse as it gets closer. Of course the getting lower thing could just be age......
Thanks Cherelle. I hope so! Hope you're well babe.

Err One Day - you have the symptoms we all want! Lol. Have you tested?? xxx

I did test yeah, two!! Both were negative! The doctor has told me to do another one at the weekend if I still have no af.

It's all a mystery!!

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