.. October 2016 Mummies - Third Trimester - Final Round ..

Carter slept and ate for the first week but now he's making up totally throws his weight about and always wriggling round to his side or lifting his head to nosey around.

Oh and the comfort milk has helped. But his farts are actually awful now as are his nappies. But I'd rather that than him unsettled all day. We are only on day 2 so I will give it time.

We have started bathing then feed then bed. Last night he did 4hr stretchES from 10.00-01.00 then 5 then 8.45 and tonight he's did the same so far so I'm just waiting for him to wake for the 1am feed and I can catch some zzs lol.

Good to hear the comfort milk is working russell. My son is doing better on colief too. Its just the beginning of day 2 on it so waiting to see how today goes. He still wakes up every 2hours to feed. Lucky you getting 4hr stretches. How much does your son drink at every feed?
Good to hear the comfort milk is working russell. My son is doing better on colief too. Its just the beginning of day 2 on it so waiting to see how today goes. He still wakes up every 2hours to feed. Lucky you getting 4hr stretches. How much does your son drink at every feed?

During the day he goes 3hr sometimes just before but we then offer 3oz and if he goes 3.5-4 we offer the 4oz. He had his last feed at 2130 and just woke at 2.30 for a feed so I gave him 4oz and he was pretty happy with that and is now lying grunting away although sleeping so see what his next stretch is but I read generally young babies only do one big stretch per day so he will prob do 3-4 next.

Good the coleif is helping we are on day 2 here and not had as much crying spells.

Good to hear the comfort milk is working russell. My son is doing better on colief too. Its just the beginning of day 2 on it so waiting to see how today goes. He still wakes up every 2hours to feed. Lucky you getting 4hr stretches. How much does your son drink at every feed?

During the day he goes 3hr sometimes just before but we then offer 3oz and if he goes 3.5-4 we offer the 4oz. He had his last feed at 2130 and just woke at 2.30 for a feed so I gave him 4oz and he was pretty happy with that and is now lying grunting away although sleeping so see what his next stretch is but I read generally young babies only do one big stretch per day so he will prob do 3-4 next.

Good the coleif is helping we are on day 2 here and not had as much crying spells.


During the night he feeds and sleeps for 2hrs or 2.5hrs. During the day he is very unpredictable. Like today he woke up at 11am and i took him for a walk. Got back home and he drank only 50ml and wouldnt have any more. He was awake for 2hrs I tried to put him to sleep but no success. Then all day he kept on having little to drink from 30ml to 50ml then sleeping for 30mins and waking up again. At 5.30pm he drank around 90ml and now has Fallen asleep hope fully for a couple of hours.

Is this normal for a 5 week old,
Hey ladies,
My little man is now 2weeks, and he is a lazy baby lol, practically sleeps all day! He is very good and only wakes up once a night. We got him registered today so he is now a proper person. Still in awe of him, you forget how small they are. He now weighs 8.8lbs x
Tiredness is starting to kick in now. She has a very healthy appetite, so only sleeps for about 2 hours before she wants feeding again. Xx
Good to hear the comfort milk is working russell. My son is doing better on colief too. Its just the beginning of day 2 on it so waiting to see how today goes. He still wakes up every 2hours to feed. Lucky you getting 4hr stretches. How much does your son drink at every feed?

During the day he goes 3hr sometimes just before but we then offer 3oz and if he goes 3.5-4 we offer the 4oz. He had his last feed at 2130 and just woke at 2.30 for a feed so I gave him 4oz and he was pretty happy with that and is now lying grunting away although sleeping so see what his next stretch is but I read generally young babies only do one big stretch per day so he will prob do 3-4 next.
Good the coleif is helping we are on day 2 here and not had as much crying spells.


During the night he feeds and sleeps for 2hrs or 2.5hrs. During the day he is very unpredictable. Like today he woke up at 11am and i took him for a walk. Got back home and he drank only 50ml and wouldnt have any more. He was awake for 2hrs I tried to put him to sleep but no success. Then all day he kept on having little to drink from 30ml to 50ml then sleeping for 30mins and waking up again. At 5.30pm he drank around 90ml and now has Fallen asleep hope fully for a couple of hours.

Is this normal for a 5 week old,

I don't have a clue in mls lol I know oz. But for a while he ate 2oz every 1.5-2hr then eventually once he started taking bigger amounts like 3oz he went 2.5-3hr now he's taking mostly 4oz and going the 4hr. Tonight he took 4oz at 1730 and didn't go to sleep until 2030 so I woke and gave him his feed at 2230 so that was 5.5hr without a feed then he's away back to sleep probably until 0230-3.

Babies are unpredictable have you tried a gentle routine? We get up do nursery run then come home and I tidy he chills out then we go get Jackson then back and he sleeps inbetween then I give him a bath and bottle then down. Don't get me wrong it's not solid yet but trying to get him used to doing the same also getting used to night and day so at night we feed in dim light etc. Telly turned down if we are in the livingroom still.

HV says the 2hr feeds are normal some babies take smaller frequent feeds. He will start taking in more and stretching longer. Does he fight sleep? Carter does this during the day I need to swaddle and hug him to sleep lol.

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Good to hear the comfort milk is working russell. My son is doing better on colief too. Its just the beginning of day 2 on it so waiting to see how today goes. He still wakes up every 2hours to feed. Lucky you getting 4hr stretches. How much does your son drink at every feed?

During the day he goes 3hr sometimes just before but we then offer 3oz and if he goes 3.5-4 we offer the 4oz. He had his last feed at 2130 and just woke at 2.30 for a feed so I gave him 4oz and he was pretty happy with that and is now lying grunting away although sleeping so see what his next stretch is but I read generally young babies only do one big stretch per day so he will prob do 3-4 next.
Good the coleif is helping we are on day 2 here and not had as much crying spells.


During the night he feeds and sleeps for 2hrs or 2.5hrs. During the day he is very unpredictable. Like today he woke up at 11am and i took him for a walk. Got back home and he drank only 50ml and wouldnt have any more. He was awake for 2hrs I tried to put him to sleep but no success. Then all day he kept on having little to drink from 30ml to 50ml then sleeping for 30mins and waking up again. At 5.30pm he drank around 90ml and now has Fallen asleep hope fully for a couple of hours.

Is this normal for a 5 week old,

I don't have a clue in mls lol I know oz. But for a while he ate 2oz every 1.5-2hr then eventually once he started taking bigger amounts like 3oz he went 2.5-3hr now he's taking mostly 4oz and going the 4hr. Tonight he took 4oz at 1730 and didn't go to sleep until 2030 so I woke and gave him his feed at 2230 so that was 5.5hr without a feed then he's away back to sleep probably until 0230-3.

Babies are unpredictable have you tried a gentle routine? We get up do nursery run then come home and I tidy he chills out then we go get Jackson then back and he sleeps inbetween then I give him a bath and bottle then down. Don't get me wrong it's not solid yet but trying to get him used to doing the same also getting used to night and day so at night we feed in dim light etc. Telly turned down if we are in the livingroom still.

HV says the 2hr feeds are normal some babies take smaller frequent feeds. He will start taking in more and stretching longer. Does he fight sleep? Carter does this during the day I need to swaddle and hug him to sleep lol.


Hi Russell

What you have said is very reassuring. I thinking taking baby out for walks does help. Today i took him out twice and be seems so much more relaxed and drank more too. Fingers crossed i will have an easier night tonight

I also make him used to the difference between day and night and also have a bath and massage routine for him. As you said babies are very unpredictable. I cant wait to get into a set routine with him lol but i guess it wont happen any time soon he is only just under 6 weeks

I have started him on Aptamil colic and constipation today. Fingers crossed it helps abit more than the SMA and colief i was giving him.
How is everyone doing? I'm really struggling with the tiredness xx
I'm semi the same. My mum had the boys on Saturday so I slept and cleaned and slept although I know by Wednesday I'll be slowly crashing lol.

I think with my first it was deffo more a shock to the system with the tiredness.

Carter has been pretty demanding these few weeks and have noa went to GP and got infant gaviscon for his silent reflux. Only 3 feeds in but I think it has helped. We now feed quietly and don't fight as much to settle so we will see what tomorrow brings.

Sorry to hear your suffering Jasmine. Hopefully baby gets into a wee routine soon for you. Carter is doing 3-4hr stretches just not at good times and not the same time. Except his 2am feed. He had that tonight and went down within 30 mins and here I am still at this time..

Best get some kip. Night all. xxxx
Hey everyone hows it all going? I know there's some trouble with sr and colic so i hope you are all getting sorted :)

Im just exhausted but i believe alls going well lol. My lb doesn't really sleep. And i dont mean that through the night he doesn't sleep long, i mean like ever. He will only sleep for short periods on my breast and is only content if im holding him 24/7. As much as i understand as hes only a newborn my gosh am I exhausted. Dont really know what's normal and what's not, there is just so much different information and everyone brings their own opinions to that information too. We dont seem to have any routine yet at all except he eats every two hours. At night from about 11pm I stay in room and have the lamp dim to help with routine. Sometimes a bath but that just upsets him so much that it doesn't really have the calming effect id hope for haha. Any sign of tiredness during day or night i try and put him down to settle but to no avail, i walk in pram, go out with mum in car, everything but sure, hes a newborn, just have to lump it dont I? Just having a moan, sorry, very tired today!

My lb has had some more investigations with his kidney he definitely has reflux in his right kidney but left is fine. He is still on antibiotics until review, been on them from birth. I think that is contributing to him having problems with wind, i dont think its anything else, i dont think. I don't know haha!

Well enough from me. Id love to hear about your babies! Im getting some smiles that arent just facial twitches! Its lovely to see. Hows breastfeeding going for people?
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My baby doesn't have a sleeping routine yet, she doesn't sleep if I put her down straight away. I have to cuddle her upright until she falls asleep and then put her down. Xx
Is your little one sleeping long periods after doing that? In the last 24 hrs my lb hasn't slept longer than 45 mins at a time. Ive been timing it ass my mum is concerned he always seems to be awake. I think im actually going insane with tiredness. Hes very bright and happy when awake and was only unsettled this morning because of wind. Every other day i can get 2 or 3, 2 hr stretches usually one during the day if i walk him in pram or out with my mum in car but not for a few days now. Is this normal?
The only way I can get my little one to sleep is to lie her down on me, tummy to tummy, and I stoke her back. She falls asleep straight away but I can't keep doing it. She hardly slept at all during the night in her snuzpod, she only slept when I put her on me. I have no idea what is normal and what isn't xx
PS, the only way I can get her to sleep in the Moses basket during the day is to put her in it and gently swing it from the handles as much as it breaks my back! X
Im glad its not just me! My lb absolutely loves sleeping like that its really cute but as you say, we cant keep it up!

He was only sleeping on me at night but i kept putting him in chicco next to me crib every time he fell asleep, he woke up again but i picked him up when he cried let him fall asleep on me again then put him back in again. After a few nights of doing this (and pulling my hair out haha!) he now sleeps in it, well is content in it for a bit haha not much sleeping to be done. Daytime though hes not for getting off me at all.

These little smiles from 3am are going to lose their novelty very quick!
I've come to the conclusion, that she doesn't like sleeping on her back. I put her on her tummy as an experiment last night in the snuzpod and she fell asleep straight away, i only let her sleep like that for ten minutes then turned her back onto her back, of course she woke up! I ended up taking her downstairs and put her in her bouncer, she sleeps really well in it xx
Carter has been diagnosed with a cmpa so we have had to change milks again and are now on a hypoallergenic milk which has cleared his skin up loads. It's been day 3 of the new milk and we have a review at gp on Monday for a trial of ranitadine but things are more manageable dare I say.

He actually sleeps fine. Even during the night. Don't get me wrong some days are worse than others given his issues with reflux etc but usually once he's down he does 4-5hr at night and 3-4hr during the day if and when he naPs. Yesterday he was awake between two feeds then slept for like 4hr lol. No routine for him yet but we are gently introducing it. Bath bottle bed and fed in the dark. Once baby starts taking more milk. They usually get roughly am oz an hr so he only goes 3hr during the day and takes 3-4oz. Once they get to like 5-6oz they start doing linger stretches. Usually.

Some babies prefer their side or tummy. Try putting them down on their side with underlying arm straight out to prevent them rolling. I did this with Jackson and sometimes Carter. Tummy is probably fine if you are present say watching TV and she's in her moses or whatever.

I think we are approaching the second leap here with the usual sleep patterns. As long as he's sleeping I'm happy.

Hi ladies! sorry to hear there are so many sleeping issues, hopefully it won't take long for the longer sleeps to come in!

Hope the new milk works for Carter RM!

Aela is doing great, she was 6 weeks yesterday and for the past week has had short naps during the day and sleeps all night waking only once for a feed, which I am very happy with! I had the same issue of sleep when she was newborn, refused to sleep in her Moses basket, as soon as she was put down she would wake and this was for the first 2 weeks. She now sleeps in the carrycot from her pram, just popped on the Moses basket stand :) she won't fall asleep alone, has to be on me or her dad.. but after 15 or so minutes we pop her down and she will stay asleep, so no complaints here!! Still exclusively breastfeeding too with no issues, expressing 1 bottle a day :) x
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My lb was 6 weeks yday too! We turned a bit of a corner last night, he slept four hours solid! I was so shocked! First time ever, my boobs were full too, first ive had that ha! Shlrk how are you doing the expressing, manual or electric pump? Is it in one session or throughout the day,? I cant seem to pump more than 2oz at a time but as Claire said above that its an oz roughly an hour, my lb feeds two hourly so maybe i only produce 2oz? Does Aela have an expressed bottle without needing breastfed sfter? How much does she take? Sorry for all the questions just really dont know how people manage haha! Glad to hear shes doing well and congratulations on the breastfeeding lol.

Claire sorry to hear Carter has a cmpa but hopefully now things really settle down for you. Poor wee baby :( Is this milk on prescription or can you buy it? How is Jackson finding being a big brother?

Id try to do what Claire suggested Jasmine, my lb likes to sleep on his side sometimes in moses basket. I tried doing what you do and rocked the moses basket, he loved it and slept, as long as i kept it up haha!
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