Good to hear the comfort milk is working russell. My son is doing better on colief too. Its just the beginning of day 2 on it so waiting to see how today goes. He still wakes up every 2hours to feed. Lucky you getting 4hr stretches. How much does your son drink at every feed?
During the day he goes 3hr sometimes just before but we then offer 3oz and if he goes 3.5-4 we offer the 4oz. He had his last feed at 2130 and just woke at 2.30 for a feed so I gave him 4oz and he was pretty happy with that and is now lying grunting away although sleeping so see what his next stretch is but I read generally young babies only do one big stretch per day so he will prob do 3-4 next.
Good the coleif is helping we are on day 2 here and not had as much crying spells.
During the night he feeds and sleeps for 2hrs or 2.5hrs. During the day he is very unpredictable. Like today he woke up at 11am and i took him for a walk. Got back home and he drank only 50ml and wouldnt have any more. He was awake for 2hrs I tried to put him to sleep but no success. Then all day he kept on having little to drink from 30ml to 50ml then sleeping for 30mins and waking up again. At 5.30pm he drank around 90ml and now has Fallen asleep hope fully for a couple of hours.
Is this normal for a 5 week old,
I don't have a clue in mls lol I know oz. But for a while he ate 2oz every 1.5-2hr then eventually once he started taking bigger amounts like 3oz he went 2.5-3hr now he's taking mostly 4oz and going the 4hr. Tonight he took 4oz at 1730 and didn't go to sleep until 2030 so I woke and gave him his feed at 2230 so that was 5.5hr without a feed then he's away back to sleep probably until 0230-3.
Babies are unpredictable have you tried a gentle routine? We get up do nursery run then come home and I tidy he chills out then we go get Jackson then back and he sleeps inbetween then I give him a bath and bottle then down. Don't get me wrong it's not solid yet but trying to get him used to doing the same also getting used to night and day so at night we feed in dim light etc. Telly turned down if we are in the livingroom still.
HV says the 2hr feeds are normal some babies take smaller frequent feeds. He will start taking in more and stretching longer. Does he fight sleep? Carter does this during the day I need to swaddle and hug him to sleep lol.