Oh my gosh! congrats! Wooo
October babies
loved blog post about birth story too Moo
I was wondering why we hadn't heard from you Claire after sweep!
I feel guilty for moaning as im only 38 weeks but I am so incredibly fed up! Cant eat, cant sleep, cant sit! Sweep tues, lost plug thurs and irregular contractions from friday! MW on friday thought id go at weekend, MW on Sunday thought id go last night but no. Im still here. Im in and out of bath and shower, bed and sofa and ball, I just stood rocking in one place for half an hour at like 3am, but contractions are just irregular and all over the pace. Incredibly tiring i'm not even aware of time anymore I just nap when i need it then im usually up again in 2-3 hours pacing the house.
Im going to hospital tomorrow but its just for diabetes team then its induction on Wednesday. Just to watch out for waters going and contractions regulating then to go in straight away. Feel like my period is about to start, that dull cramping just constant. Also feel constipated still but im really not. Just to rest, eat little and often and keep bouncing on ball.
Baby is super super active. Midwife says its a great sign, means baby is reacting to environment so if there are mild contractions baby is feeling them too. I just want baby here! Stop teasing. I wish i would go on my own rather than induction though but needs must. Anyway hopefully my next post is about a baby!
Hope everyone else is well, sorry for moaning
ive carried baby this long and all has went well so I can hold out a little longer.