October 2014 due dates

I'm so looking forward to the scan updates. Good luck girls.
Hey all went well. Measuring 12 + 4 so moved forward to 2nd Oct :) They think it started as a twin pregnancy as what they thought was a bleed apparently at my 8 week scan is not a bleed. Either way I'll never know and I'm more than happy with one healthy baby. Will post pic when we are home xx
mine all was fine, moved me back 1 day so now 4th October. All fine so pleased.
Good news about everyone's scans today. Well done ladies :)

The hospital have managed to change my scan date but could only do a few days later so I will have a bit longer to worry.

I'll be exactly 12 + 6 then so just on the borderline of when the nuchal scan is doable.
Hi ladies.
Can I please come and join you.
I was originally due on the 30th Sept but my scan has put me to 1st October :)

I had my scan last week and our surprise bean is growing nicely.

I have a lo already called Madison and she is a dream :)

This bean was unplanned and very much a big shock but we can't wait to meet him/her.

Good news about everyone's scans today. Well done ladies :)

The hospital have managed to change my scan date but could only do a few days later so I will have a bit longer to worry.

I'll be exactly 12 + 6 then so just on the borderline of when the nuchal scan is doable.

The nuchal scan can be done up to 13+6 I was measuring 13+4 at my scan and nuchal was done fine. So don't worry :) xx
I saw my baby today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had my 1st gynaecologist's appointment and i had no idea he would give me a scan but he did! I'm overjoyed and floating around on my little cloud. He showed me a good sized baby and measured the heartbeats and it's all good. I'll still get my scan on Friday, but at least I feel reassured now. Oh is over the moon as well.

What a great day with all these positive scans! �� looking forward to seeing pics until i get mine in a few days x
Lovely to hear all the good scan news. My 12 wk scan today put my due date as 29th september and me at 13 weeks. So will be heading over to tri 2 and waiting for you there xx
Hi Claire, indeed I am :)
I live in Yeovil, what about you x
Thanks everyone. I probably didn't explain very well earlier, but when I had a private scan at 8 weeks they told me there was a bleed next to the gestational sac. I asked today if the bleed was still there and the sonographer looked confused. She said she didn't see anything that represents a bleed but could see a sac of fluid which is most likely to be a failed twin pregnancy as if it was a bleed it would give off echos or something. I read my notes after the scan that she did and she has diagnosed it as a failed twin pregnancy. Neither of us are going to get hung up on it, we still have one healthy baby and that is something I am so grateful for. Bit odd to think about though.
Anyway put forward a few days :) Didn't manage to get Downs measurements but it doesn't matter, it wouldn't change anything for us.

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I've got my first gyne appointment tomorrow and I'll be getting a scan too. Sooo nervous! I really hope everything's fine!
Morning girls, got my 12 week scan this afternoon and i am pooing myself!Hope you all have a lovely day! : )

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