October 2014 due dates

Good luck daisy boo! Mines on Thursday and i'm so nervous too!!! Well more excited actually! Can't wait to see your pics. Fingers crossed for you xx

I'm expecting my first and we THINK EDD is 4th Oct! Have my first scan this week :) x
Thank you! We're so nervous but so excited! I haven't really had any symptoms at all so far so will be so good to see the little one and actually feel pregnant! xx
Your lucky with no symptoms I've felt terrible right from the start. I can wait to feel like myself again. X
I know I'm super lucky - a lot of my friends felt quite terrible by this point! Other than pretty horrible bloating at times I've been fine! Sort of don't feel pregnant at all but certainly wouldn't wish for any more symptoms! Big sympathy hugs to you Claire_Louise for feeling terrible!! xx
Supersoapie I have no symptoms either! Can't wait to see the midwife next week so it actually feels real again! Had an early scan a couple of weeks ago but the reassurance has worn off now... xx
You're lucky too Bethyboo! I was supposed to have my first scan 2 weeks ago but the hospital put it back :wall2:. Not long to wait now though as having it on Thursday afternoon! Yay! xx
We think we're 12+3 but my cycles have always been a bit strange so looking to getting an EDD from the hospital! x

Also, I'm a bit of a technophobe - how do you add your pregnancy tracker tickers to your posts??
Click on the one you want, add in your dates and then you need the BBcode. Go to User CP at the top of this page and down the left hand side you'll see "edit signature", then type and paste away! xx
well ladies have been for my scan and everything is great! I am so relieved and an extra bonus is i have been put forward 5 days, so i am just about an October mummy as my due date is now the 1st! X
Well heres my photo, we are going to be team yellow but i am thinking a boy.What do you think?x


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Wow that's great news, you are only just an October mummy now xxx. :)

I can't see a pic though
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Fab news with the scans

And I'm very happy as I found the heartbeat on my Doppler yay!!! X
Brilliant news on the scan daisy. And fun I knew you wouldn't be able to put that Doppler away. It is most frustrating thing when you can't find in but wonderful when you do.
Hey everyone, so pleased to hear the scans went well, gorgeous pic Daisy plus a bonus being put forward!

Ah finding the heartbeat is amazing fun, I remember it being so reassuring with my son, I just wish I hadn't sold my bloody doppler.

My sickness has worn off a lot, just get the odd bit of nausea, which is nice. But I'm feeling really bloated and flabby, even though everyone tells me they can't see it. I'm trying to eat healthy but want to constantly snack. We have 2 dogs so walk a lot and I've decided to start swimming regularly so at least I can keep my fitness up!

Have got my blood tests in the morning and then fingers crossed I will come home from work to a letter with my scan date, am getting very impatient now xxx
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Hello, from first timers (2 years of trying) and we are due 22/10... can't wait for a scan (no date yet, booking app this friday) to see that it is real and we are pregnant even thou i feel pregnant.. I want to see or hear the heartbeat....
Ordered fetal doppler today...
Congratulations to you all and i look forward to hearing your stories and exchange experience from this magical pregnancy times!
Daisyboo, I say girl. Then again, I really have no idea.

I'm having a hard day. Too much going on. When does the tiredness go away??? Last night I nearly crashed my car coming home I'm so tired. And I can't wait for my real scan on Friday!!! I want to see baby again! x

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