October 2014 due dates

9 weeks :) :) :)

So sweet, yesterday my daughter put her hand on my tummy and said 'oh, it's starting!'

By the way from what I've been reading by now hair, nails and skin should be starting to look lovely. My nails are definately stronger but oh my god is my skin nasty!!!! I've got loads of spots, like a teenager and I just look ghastly. Combined with the nausea, I don't want to leave the house anymore. Anybody else?
I keep my nails short so not sure about that. I don't think it's true for me. My hair looks greasy and my skin is sooooo dry on my face lol. I'm hoping if it's true it kicks in soon lol
Yea I too look ghastly lol. I have another 3 weeks 3 days til my next scan It seems soooo long away!
I keep my nails short so not sure about that. I don't think it's true for me. My hair looks greasy and my skin is sooooo dry on my face lol. I'm hoping if it's true it kicks in soon lol

I'm the same as you with hair looking greasy and my face is so dry
I'm sleeping standing up today, had a full nights sleep but I just feel wiped out :yawn:
My nails are growing great, hairs fine but my skin feels bumpy all around my chin x
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Getting nervous about my scan tomorrow now. It's at 10.15 and I've totally convinced myself that there going to say I've had a mmc. Ive not felt pregnant for a couple of weeks now apart from the odd day. I'm hoping that my bean still has a heartbeat and grown loads and I'm just one of the lucky ones who don't suffer during pregnancy but my heart tells me my bean hasn't made it.
Please keep your fingers crossed for me and I'll post on here tomorrow when I'm home. Xx
Fun I'll be thinking of you tomorrow! Wishing you to best of luck!! xx
Really hope everything is ok tomorrow Fun, will be waiting for your update.xxx
Good luck for your scan Hun I'll be thinking of you xxx
Wishing you the best of luck hun. I hope everything is alright and you are one of the lucky ones.

I'm so on the fence about my bean. I'm getting quite bad af type cramps which are worrying the hell outta me as I got these last time at the same point and it didn't end well. My boobs aren't quite as sore. Today I threw up which is good i guess but it could just have been nerves but then my hormones triggered the weirdest reaction today. I was told I was taking my lunch a bit late -> cue 2 hours of crying! No reason really, he wasn't nasty i was so angry then for no reason I was just in tears for so long i felt stupid but everytime someone told me to ignore the guy cue more tears and I never normally cry I normally take the mick out the sob stories on factor and BGT etc but yesterday I cried because a dog caught a ball in crufts! I'm hoping that's a good sign but I'm just so worried until my next scan in 4 weeks I think I'll be an emotional wreck!
I've ordered some cheap hpt's so I can poke the Schrodies box a bit daft I know but I think it will keep me sane a bit lol. As long as hubby doesn't find out lol.
Good luck tomorrow fun!! I have all crossed for you :)

I got my scan date through for 20th March, il be exactly 12 weeks! Very nervous but also a little excited! x
CoachQueenie, mine's on the 20th and I'll be 12 weeks too! I'm ticking off the days haha.

Good luck, Fun!
Good luck for tomorrows scan fun.
My early scan is on Tuesday I have the sore boobs and bloating but I'm really nervous about not having any MS I really hope that my little poppy seed is safe and growing. I read online that 50% of pregnant women have MS and the other half don't fx I'm just in the lucky half.
I'm trying to enjoy being pregnant and not worry xx
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Lots of luck for your scan today Fun - shall have my fingers crossed for you xx
Will be stuck to this thread waiting on your update fun, positive vibes going your way xxx

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