October 2014 due dates

oh no fun I didn't know you were going through the wringer again hun :( I hope all is ok. My doc told me spotting is quite normal at this stage but it's bloomin worrying! I hope you et another scan. If your midwife won't book you n maybe you can call the local epu and see if you can self refer? I hope everything goes well x x x
Hi. So glad your scan went ok Hun. Glad to see you back.
Still spotting but it is brown and light so I'm hoping all is well still. I'll be begging for a scan tomorrow but if not I'm booking private. X
Good luck fun.
I had some brown spotting with my first pregnancy too, the bean stuck and now is 11 y/o.
Praying it will be the same for you xx
Midwife booking in finally arrived. It's at 1pm. I'll explain to her about my complete loss of symptoms and the brown spotting. I really hope she sends me for a scan. Will save me £60 for a private one anyway lol. But deep down I really do feel my beans lost it's heartbeat. I just have that feeling. It's all too very familiar now. I'll keep you posted how I get on xx
Hi everybody! Just back from my holiday in Scotland, it was loooooovely!!!! And we got sunshine all week *happy* I pigged out on pineapple cottage cheese, hmmmmmmmm. The past few days though my nausea has become next to unbearable. I'm not sick but I feel rotten all the time. Hope it passes soon...

Taffy: happy belated birthday! Hope you got spoilt.

Fun: that's good you're getting to see your midwife, fx you get reassuring news.

Becibelly: I was a single mum with my first and this forum really helped me deal with the hard moments. Funny how strangers can sometimes help you more than those closest around you x
I hope all is going well fun hun. Best of luck to you!
Well booking in went ok. She's got me another scan on Sunday so just got to wait till then really. No spotting at all today so hoping that's a good sign.

Hope everyone else is ok x
Good news fun :) I also had my booking appointment today. Everything went well, I may be offered a c section due to my previous delivery. I am not overly keen on this idea, but I will see what the consultant says when I see him. Hoping maybe for an induction rather than this but time will tell xx
Glad you managed to get a scan sorted Fun, I hope you can relax as much as possible till sunday.
Eryinera I love your bump nickname. That cheeky cat is always just fine.
Good luck for Sunday Fun, fingers crossed it all goes well!
Hello Girls!

Congrats on the BFPS!:)

My official due date is the 3rd November but I'll be having bubs 3 weeks early on the 13th October!

Congrats maybe. Is it me or does time seem to be going in reverse at the moment? Each day feels like a week!
Hello Ladies, I am new to the forum. Due date is the 1st October - 10 weeks today!

I am home off work today as over the last couple of days my nausea has gotten so much worse and I can't seem to keep anything down for most of the day :( Any tips on on how to survive?!? :sick:
Hi and welcome to the new ladies joining.

No spotting for me today and I heaved too at work today and boobs are alittle tender so happy I've got my symptoms back as I was really worrying. Time is dragging though so much. I feel like a day feels more like a week. If my scan goes well Sunday I'll be buying a Doppler which I'm looking forward to xx
Hi ladies....my boss (who is also the head of hr) took one look at me today and said OMG you're huge! How un-pc is that lol! I'm 10 weeks today! I think it mostly bloat but cheeky buggar!

Welcome to the new ladies and congrats on your oct bfps xx
First booking appointment today im estimated at 9+1 so 7 October is my estimated date :D xx
I'm entering my worrysome time now. I started to get a lot of pains at this point in dec beore the MC touch wood but I've been in a lot less pain this time mild stretchy type pains only. But I can't help but worry until I get past 21st march with no hiccups. I get to book my next scan on the 17th and get have my scan around the 1st April gah april fools day hadn't thought of that :S

Fun I'm glad things are looking better for you! My nausea is fading a but but still there. My boobs are getting massive as is my belly and my boobs are still tender.
Yay I had my first scan on Tuesday, I think I could have a little dancer in the making lol. I had to get an internal scan and during the scan my little baby wouldn't keep still, made it hard for the midwife to measure and see how far along I am. The midwife put me 4 days earlier than previously though I am now due October 2nd instead of the 6th. Loved seeing my baby's heart beating on the ultrasound and those little arms and legs moving around. Starting to feel like I'm pregnant now lol


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