October 2014 due dates

Will keep my fingers crossed hun.

Well I had quite a night last night. It's my 30th tomorrow and I knew we were going for a nice meal with a couple of my closest friends but I didn't know where, what I really wasn't expecting was a detour which lead us to a surprise party! Was very shocked and apparently secret meetings had been going on for months, sneaky bunch! My son was stood at the front with a red rose for me and we had a lovely evening. I've been spoilt rotten and now have plenty of champers to toast the baby when it's born :) We told a few more people as they noticed I wasn't drinking which just made the night. Plus I got a lie in and no hangover this morning, bonus xxx
Aww happy birthday for tomorrow in case I don't get on here.

Well today I just don't feel pregnant. My boobs are no longer tender and all nausea has gone. Had a little more brown spotting today. Hope midwife will have me scanned when I see her Tuesday but we will see. X
Happy Birthday for tomorrow taffy! Glad you're friends surprised you! what a lovely idea.

Fingers crossed for you fun...xxx
I am also due in October. I think October 14 th xx this will be my second child, my lb is 5 xx
Taffy that sounds lovely :) and happy birthday for tomorrow xx

Fun I hope everything's just settling down for you :hug: good luck for Tuesday x

I have my booking in appointment tomorrow at 9am, dropping LO off to breakfast club in school then straight to the doctors, anxious but glad I will be able to share my worries and hopefully get some reassurance x
It takes a while to sink in doesn't it lol is this your first xx
No it's my second, my son is 5, I certainly wasn't trying to conceive and everything has gone tits up since I found out about 10 days ago. I'm going to be single mummy :( but I know I'll manage xx
:hug: sorry to hear things have went a bit tits up Hun but when baby comes I'm sure you will wonder how you were ever without him/her. The forum is a great support network so you should stick around, you should post your news in the bfp section and join us in the tri 1 threads, before you know it you will be hooked xxx
Thanks, I will stick around, I know I couldn't be without my little baby bean already :) xx will take a look around the threads too xxx
Hi ladies, how are you all feeling today?

I had a private scan yesterday.......what a relief. I was crying before she even started as I told her my history, mmc in October and I actually had the scan back then with her. Anyway all is good. Baby had a heartbeat and measured correctly. So pleased and can't wait for my 12 week scan on 31st March. x
Lovely news Kim.

I'm still spotting light brown but getting some pains now. Really don't want to be at work too. Midwife tomorrow so if I don't get another scan I'll be paying. I just need to know either way what's happening xx
Hi, hope everybody is well! Happy birthday Taffy, hope you're having a lovely day!
I'm still here, just since last week nausea has kicked in really strong so feeling rather bad.
I'm still to book my booking appointment as only just 7 weeks tomorrow, but my 12 week scan date came through in the post for 10th Apr.
Sorry to hear fun1uk that you are experiencing pain and some spotting, hope all ok and the midwife will arrange a scan for you to put your mind at rest. I'll keep fingers, toes crossed for you! Xx
Happy birthday taffy.
Hope midwife goes well tomorrow fun.
Happy Birthday Taffy!!!

Fingers crossed you get that scan and all is well Fun.

Feel so yuck today. Sickness started yesterday, and feel nauseous all day too. With the tiredness and a 21-month old, you can imagine how glamorous I look now haha!! My tummy is so gurgley today as well. Can't wait to feel "blooming" haha!!
Hope you're having a lovely day Taffy!

Tiredness has hit me like a train today, oh god... And I'm freeeeezing! Anyone else have that? xx
im freezing too! I guess I should tentatively introduce myself I;ve been lurking for a while. I may side straddle two threads. I'm due oct 31st, This will be my 2nd baby 3rd pregnancy. I'm terrified I'm going to MC this one but the scan today gave me the all clear so I feel a bit more confident :) I am still too scared to fully be in Tri 1 so I'm sorry if I don't pop in much! OH is a philosopher I have a science degree so me and my OH have decided to name the bump Schrodinger at the moment after the experiment lol. Basically we are not getting too hopeful but as all good scientists do... we poked the box today and saw a tail move we'll get to have another glimpse of the cat (another scan) in 4 weeks.

Sorry if that is the most baffling introduction ever it makes sense to me but noone else can see inside my weird head lmao.
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Sorry to hear you are still spotting with pain fun. Good luck with the midwife tomorrow. I hope she can get you a scan x

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