obviously just found out i was pregnant


Active Member
Oct 14, 2011
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wondered if you ladies can give me some help..
im in pain and have been since last night.. its not harsh pain just annoying pain
but its worrying me abit
its like in my abdominal but like hope yahs dont mind me saying this but in the vagina aswell

im well confused its my first pregnancy and im worried!

I can't help hun but just wanted to say that I hope it's nothing sinister x
how far goen are you? It is probably growing pains as your womb has to stretch to let the baby grow :) x I had them with my first and worried but if there is no blood then they are fine hunny. I had them up until 14 weeks x
im 5 weeks.. and that what i was thinking as well lol. just a bit freaked out.
I had lots of twinges and pains in the early weeks with my LO. I ended up going to the EPU to get it checked out but it was all just growing/stretching pains. Phone your EPU tomorrow morning if you're worried.
I've just found out i'm pregnant, yesterday after putting off testing for a 3 weeks, which makes me 7 weeks. I am so happy!!
/someone bumped into me yesterday and their bag went into my stomach, it hurt but not for very long. However last on in the evening and this morning i still have a dull ache on my left side of my adominal area. I hope it's growing pains!
A few weeks before I found out I was pregnant I had awful pains in my stomach I thought I was going to have a period (always had really bad cramps) I found out when I was nearly 7 weeks so must just be ligament pain!

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