How bad is labour?

i didnt feel a thing except for the tear which was my fault and that was just a burning feeling but i knew she had to come out .

had gas and air but that was to control teh contractions. i could of used it when i was pushing to get her out but i didnt need it, for me there was no pain. id been in labor from mon-fri
libs said:
Be prepared for it to really hurt..then it isn't that bad. You know why you're in pain and you know it will end and it's a weird type of pain anyway. I only had gas and air and only a little of that during labour - more afterwards while being stitched.

did they not give u an epidural when u was being stitched?

i had one in theatre and one in my hand :) great being numb and not feeling a thing :) :cheer:
:shock: God u lot are so brave.
Im having every drug under the sun,i really hate pain.
Im a big woos when it comes to pain but this was different. It came in waves and wasnt constant and you were aware that this was a baby coming. Your so excited that you are nearly there that the pain seems weird. Still sore though. I was about 3-4 cms before the epidural went in and went for a section. The edpidural was a bit sore but your in pain anyway so it doesnt really register.

2nd time was a spinal for the elective section but I had went into labour. Spinal wasnt as sore but I itched like I had a major case of fleas after.
I voted worst pain ever,But i only had gas & air,Needles scare me to death.
I remember grabbing the collar of the midwife and telling her to "get the f*cking baby out or else!"
But don't worry,you might take pain diffrently,and its all worth it. :hug:
Yes.. It's fun to see all the mums to be on here call their babies... bubs, angel, bambi, petal, sweetie, Little one.... because it comes to labour and its name changes to little f***er or b***ard... usually followed by the phrase ... get it out of me... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Go into the ward like I did, begging for an epidural.. When your having contractions, the pain of having a needle in your back is like a walk in the park....
That made me laugh... my MW actually said to me... "You can swear if you like"

I was so embarrased at the thought of somebody hearing me scream
I was lucky too, 2 1/2 hours from start to finish. Yeah it hurt but it was manageable. I had no pain relief because I had him at home and didn't like the gas & air.

I'd do it 100 times for my little boy though. That's what you have to focus on.
I put it aint that bad. I went into early labour on the sunday and Charlie was born on the thursday at 5pm!!! managed on gas and air all day
thursday until they put me on that bloody drip to speed things along and boy then did i scream for more drugs!! If i hadnt had to have that i believe i would have managed with the gas and air, the diamorphine made all the pain go!! I was so spaced out i cant really remember the last few hours of the labour, I dont think i would have it again if it could be avoided.
I'm petrified but my OH compared it to running away from someone with a knife- you would run faster and longer than you ever had before to get away- even if it hurt because you push your body further than you knew possible. of course I hit him and told him to squeeze a ping pong ball out the end of his willy and then tell me how to feel! :roll: x
Jade_Number1 said:
I'm petrified but my OH compared it to running away from someone with a knife- you would run faster and longer than you ever had before to get away- even if it hurt because you push your body further than you knew possible. of course I hit him and told him to squeeze a ping pong ball out the end of his willy and then tell me how to feel! :roll: x

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Jade_Number1 said:
of course I hit him and told him to squeeze a ping pong ball out the end of his willy and then tell me how to feel! :roll: x

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
have to say its the worst pain i ever had, but i would do it all again right now.

epidural was the worse for me as they didnt numb me properly and then put it in wrong so had to re-do it. i was using gas and air but still screaming my head off.

i found labour pain more like really bad back ache, and as i was on drip and couldnt move about i felt it more, i think if you keeping moving it reduced the pain alot.

eventually i had a section and the after pain of that is terible, but its all worth it, dont let it ruin your pregnancy "no pain no gain" :rotfl:
Awful....told DH I thought I was dying on more than one occasion.....but I would do it again in an instant - to hold Libby in my arms at the end of it was magical!!
I didn't vote as I didn't think any of hurt a lot but I never thought i was going to die just give birth and some time in the future...I just felt more confused than anything and the pain of pushing for me was worse than the contractions but i could feel it was my babies head and that meant progress to me
That made me laugh... my MW actually said to me... "You can swear if you like"

I started swaering when i was contracting and a doc came in I appologised but she was lovely she told me to swear away :rotfl:

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